
发布日期:2014-05-27 点击次数:2708
内容提要:汽车实用英语    课程代码:01321


一、单词拼写 ( 汉语和首字母给)
S(tructure) 构造
E(xhaust) 排气,废气;排气,耗尽
C(omponent) 成分,部件,零件
S(troke)  冲程,行程
S(uspension) 悬挂
S(teer) 驾驶;(车辆)转向机构
B(rake) 制动器,刹车;制动
M(echanism) 机械机构
T(orque)  转矩,扭矩
T(ransmission)  变速器,传动装置
C(lutch)  离合器
B(alance)  使平衡
H(ydraulic)  液压的,水力的
F(riction)  摩擦,摩擦力
B(attery)  电池
Transportation 交通
Manufacturer 制造商
Marquee  汽车的型号或式样
Bolt   n. 螺栓
crankcase   n. 曲柄箱
bearing     n.轴承
crankshaft   n.曲轴
piston      n.活塞
flywheel    n.飞轮
reciprocate  v.往复,做往复运动
engage     v.连接,结合
valve      n,气门,阀门,阀
Symptom n.迹象,症候
Coolant      n.冷却液
Radiator      n.散热器,冷却器
Thermostat    n.恒温器,温度自动调节器
Maintenance   n.维修,保养
Concept   n. 观念,思想,概念
Store  v.  储存
Vaporize  v.(使)蒸发
Injector  n.喷油器,喷(注)射器
Nozzle  n.喷嘴
Pressurize  v.对(给)。。。。。。加压
Silence  v. 消除(噪音)
Muffler  n.消声器
Resonator n.共振系统,(汽车)辅助消声器
Pose      v. 造成,形成;提出
Evaporate  v.蒸发,挥发
Roadster   n.双座敞蓬轿车,跑车。
Essential  a.基本的,本质的,必要的,必不可少的,
Regulate   v.调节
Agent     n.代理人(商)
Transfer   n.\v.传导,传递
Antifreeze  n.(汽车水箱)防冻液,(化)防冻剂
Housing    n.外壳,外罩
Enclose    v.封入,装入
Drain   v.排出,排泄,排水
Appropriate  a,适当的
Lubricate    v.使润滑,加润滑油
Regulator    n.调节器
Contaminant  n.致污物,污染物
Incorporate   v.合并,并入
Maintain     vt, 保持,维持,保养,维修
Standardize   vt.使符合标准,使标准化
Complex      a.复杂的,综合的
Electronics    n,电子元件
Module       n.组件,模块,电子控制总成
Sandwich  v.夹入
Linkage    n.联动装置
Remedy   n.补救
Headquarter   n.总部
Accessory     n.附属,附件,零件
Install  vt. 安装,安置,装配
Ratio   n.比,比率
Particular  a,特殊的,特别的,独特的
Reverse  v.使倒退
Accelerate  v.加速,促进
Strain    n.拉力,张力,应变
Multiply  v.成倍的增加,增加
Impose   v.\把。。。。。强加于
Engineer  v,  设计,建造
Combination  n. 组合
Accommodate   v,容纳,提供
Feedback    n.反馈,回授
Integral    n.构成整体所必须的,完整的。
Uneven   a, 不均的,不稳定的,不均衡的
Depress   v.踩下,压下
Drum   n.鼓,制动鼓
Stationary  a.静止的,固定的
Bonded   a.黏合而成的
Lockup    n.锁住
Magnet    n.磁铁
Decelerate  v.减速
Charge   vt, 充电
Discharge  vt,放电
1、The primary purpose of the suspension system is to support the weight of the vehicle. The basic job of the suspension system is to absorb the shocks caused by irregular road surfaces that would otherwise be transmitted to the vehicle and its occupants, thus helping to keep the vehicle on a controlled and level course, regardless of road conditions.
2、Depending on the type of engine, the operating cycle may require either two or four strokes to complete. The 4-stroke engine is also called otto cycle engine , in honor of the germen engineer , Dr. Nikolas’ otto, who first applied the principle in 1876.In the 4-strok engine, four strokes of the piston in the cylinder are required to complete one full operating cycle. Each stroke is named after the action it performs-intake, compression, power, and exhaust.
3、The engine can work effectively only when the heat energy is equally handled so as to keep the engine temperature in balance.
Automobiles are basically the same in structure, although they are quite different in design.
The steering system is used to control the driving direction of the vehicle.
The engine block forms the main frame work, or foundation of the engine.
The connecting rod is attached to the crankshaft at one end(big end)and to the piston at the other end (small end)
There are two types of gasoline engine pumps :mechanical fuel pump and electric fuel pump.
EFI supplies an accurate air\fuel ratio to the engine no matter what operating conditions are encountered.
The main function of the exhaust system is to conduct the burned gases to the rear of a vehicle and into the air.
The exhaust system serves not only to exhaust gases , but also to silence the exhaust noise.
In a dual exhaust system, the engines of such vehicles can give off exhaust gases more freely, thereby lowering the black the back pressure which is inherent in an exhaust system.
No engine can work well without suitable operating temperatures.
There are two types of cooling systems used on vehicles: water-cooling system and air-cooling system.
A radiator cap mounted on the top of the radiator is used to control the pressure in the cooling system.
Without the aid of friction,  an automobile could not move itself.
The oil pressure relief valve can secure the oil circulation through engine parts under proper pressure.
The lubricating oil is fed to the moving parts of the engine by pump pressure , splashing, or a combination of both.
The ignition coil is composed of a primary winding, secondary winding and core of soft iron.
The function of the ignition switch is to connect and disconnect and disconnect the ignition system from the battery ,so the engine can be started and stopped as desired.
The clutch is a friction device which provides the means of connecting and disconnecting the engine from the manual transmission.
The main function of a clutch is to assist in starting a vehicle.
The church disc operates in conjunction with a pressure plate or a clutch cover.
On  automatic transmissions, the torque converter replaces the conventional clutch.
The oil pump of the automatic transmission is responsible for producing all the oil pressure that is required in the transmission,
One of the functions of the suspension system is to prevent the road shocks from being transmitted to the vehicle frame.
Springs are attached to the vehicles by a number of different mounting techniques.
The main advantage of leaf springs is their ability to control vehicle sway and lateral movement.
Two types of steering systems are commonly used on cars : manual steering systems and power steering systems.
In  a manual steering system, the driver is effort to turn the steering wheel is the primary force that causes the front wheels to swivel to the left or right.
In the power steering system, fluid direction is controlled by a rotary valve attached to the pinion assembly.
There are two completely independent braking systems used on the vehicle :the service brake and the parking brake.
The service brake system is used to decelerate and stop the moving vehicle.
The prominent advantage of the dual master cylinder is that it supplies separate hydraulic systems for the front and rear brakes.
AAS  automatic adjusting suspension   自动调整悬架
ABS  anti-lock brake system          防抱死制动系统
A/C  air conditioning   空调
A/F或AF  air fuel(ratio)  空燃比
AT或A/T  automatic transmission/transaxle  自动变速器/变速驱动桥
BDC bottom dead center 下止点
BMC brake master cylinder  制动主缸
CF   cooling fan  冷却风扇
CPU  central processing unit  中央处理器 
CVT  continuously variable transmission  无级变速器
DI   distributor ignition   分电器点火
DTC  diagnostic trouble code  诊断故障码
ECA  electronic control assembly  电子控制总成
E/G   engine  发动机
EGR  exhaust gas recirculation valve 废气再循环s
EM   engine maintenance  发动机维护
GPS  global positioning system  全球卫星定位系统
IFS   independent front suspension  独立式前悬架
LLC  long-life coolant  长效冷却液 
LO   lubricating oil  润滑油
LS   leaf spring  钢板弹簧
MF  maintenance free  免维护
MFI multipoint fuel injection  多点燃油喷嘴
ODI  oil drain intervals    换油周期
PS   power steering   动力转向
PSC  power steering control  动力转向控制
SPI   single point injection  单点燃油喷嘴
SUV  sport utility vehicle   运动型多用途车;多用途跑车
TDC  top dead center   上止点
VCM  vehicle control module   车辆控制模板
VIN   vehicle identification number  车辆识别号
4WS  four wheel tweeting   四轮转向
Mercedes-Benz  梅赛德斯-奔驰
BMW  宝马
Audi 奥迪
Volkswagen  大众
Opal  欧宝
Golf  高尔夫
Porsche  保时捷
General Motor 通用
Chevrolet 雪弗兰
Buick 别克
Cadillac 凯迪拉克
Chrysler 克莱斯勒
Dodge 道奇
Ford 福特
Lincoln 林肯
Mustang 野马
Thunderbird  雷鸟
Jeep 吉普
Land Rover 路虎
Hummer 悍马
Toyota 丰田
Lexus 凌志
Nissan 尼桑
Infiniti 无限
Bluebird 蓝鸟
Honda 本田
Mitsubishi 三菱
Crown 皇冠
Corolla 花冠
Mazda 马自达
Isuzu 五十铃
Daihatsu 大发
Suzuki 铃木
Peugeot 标致
Citroen 雪铁龙
Renault 雷诺
Fiat  菲亚特
Ferrari  法拉利
Iveco  依维柯
Rolls-Royce  劳斯莱斯
Jaguar  捷豹
Mini  迷你
Bentley  宾利
Rover 罗孚
MG  名爵
Hyundai  现代
Kia   起亚
Daewoo  大宇
Ssangyong 双龙
Volvo  沃尔沃
apply for 
by means of 
set out 
in relation to 
in honor of 
be indicative of 
be attached to 
give off
be made of 
be made up of 
in contact with 
provide for 
in essence 
be composed of 
consist of 
turn out 
in the event of 
in the event 
be filled with 
rely on 
conduct from to 
depend on 
be depend on 
isolate from 
in gear 
under pressure 
break up 
keep from 
prevent from 
direct at 
convert into 
adjust to 
in conjunction with 
be located in 
pair off
connect to 
Eg: a solar cell takes radiation from the sun and converts it into electricity.答案为B
A, leads  B, turns  C, forms  D, takes
1、  capability----ability 
2、  proportion----ratio 
3、 install----appoint 
4   conducting---making
5  initiate---start 
6  consists of ---is composed of 
7  insulate----isolate 
8  reciprocate---return
9  expand----enlarge
10  universal---widespread
11  loop---coil
12  distribute—form
13  constitute---form
14  engage---employ
15  thread----pass
16  rotary----pass
17  depended on---relied on 
18  absorb---take
19  insert----add
20  motion---movement 
21  clog---jam
22  behavior---function
23  prime---chief
24  suitable—appropriate
25  excel---surpass
26 competition---roinlry
27  shift---transfer
28  pedal—cycle
29  idle----jobless
30  excessive---over much
31  flow---move
32  dispose of---get rid of 
33  stream----swarm
34  some what---fairly
35  tremendous---very great 
36  passage ----fairly
37  concept---idea
38  temporary ---short-term
39  precise---exact
40  excessive---over much 
41  intricate---complex
42  secure---solid
43  deposit —store
44  multiply---reproduce
45  flat---level
46  handle---cope with 
47  align---ally
48  trigger---cause
49  flexible---changeable
50  engineer---build
51  charge---payment
52  regulate—control
53  transfer---shift 
54  a rear entrance---a back door
56  neutral---impartial
57  silence---quiet 
58  constant—frequent 
59  popular---widespread
60  intense----severe
61  reverse----back
62  reasonable---acceptable
63  experience---go through 
64  impact---effect 
65  stationary---unchanged
66  exhausted---wore out 
Word form(单词正确形式填空)
the chassis is a framework used (use) to assemble          onto  components on it.
No engine can work (work) well without suitable operating temperatures
A fuel tank is used to store fuel needed (need) by the engine.
The brake system is used (use) to retard the motion of the vehicle by means of friction.
A radiator is designed to dissipate the heat which the coolant has absorbed (absorb) from the engine.
Vanes, plungers, rotors are used (use) to build up the necessary pressure.
Calipers must be replaced if they show signs of leaking (leak) break fluid.
The brake drum is bolted (bolt) to the wheel hub between…….
An electronic fuel injection system funereally uses one or more injectors to spray (spray) fuel.
The coolant flows (flow) around the outside of the cylinders to cool the cylinder walls.
The cooling wafer used (use) in the cooling systems is called coolant.
The hand brake must be able(able) to stop the car in the event of……
Nowadays, electric power aided steering is adopted (adopt) on small.
The larger (large) the steering wheel diameter,……
The clutch linkage connects (connect) the clutch pedal to the clutch fork.
The steering system is used to control the driving directions of the vehicle as it moves (move).
One faction  of the fuel cop on the fuel tank is to keep the fuel from splashing (splash) .
The transmission is geared  (gear) to perform these functions.
The exhaust system is used to conduct the burned (burn) gases to the rear of…..
In the event the filter gets clogged (clog) a bypass valve is provided so that.
The (bigger) big the exhaust pipes of an exhaust system are the better …….
The clutch must transmit all the engine toque……
The steering system must deliver precise directional (direction) control.
The dual master cylinder is designed for both front and rear brakes of most cars to ensure the efficiency (efficient) of the brake system
Ina dual exhaust system , the engine can exhaust (exhaust) more freely.
The engine is considered (consider) the heart of an automobile.
There are three elements (element) that make up one planetary gear system.
Oil between the parts prevents meted-to-meted contact which causes (cause) friction and wear.
The purpose of the muffler is to reduce engine exhaust noise to an  accebtable (acceb) level.
The mechanical fuel bomb is driver (drive) by the camshaft.
The term stroke refers to bison movement (move) within the cylinder.
Many components of an engine are secured(_secure) by means of bolts and nuts.
When spring pressure is abblied to the blat, it meshes with the driver fiction blats sandwiched (sandwich)
Brake is a friction derive for converting the bower of momentum or kinetic energy of…..
The burbose of the water jacket dissipates(dissipate)some of the heat to the air
The distuibuter cap can transfer(transfer)high voltage from the distributor
The purpose of the cabrrcation system is to circulate (circulate)oil between moving engage parts. 
The brake drum is bolted (bolt) to the wheel hub between the hub and the wheel.
The components of the manual steering system enable the vehicle to change the direction by means of 
The life and performance of the vehicle is engine depend on the exhaust system.
One fund ion of the suspension system is to prevent the root shook’s from being transmitted    (transmit)  to the vehicle frame.
(一)The early 50s (1)(witnessed some development ) of the motor industry in Japan. before the war, Japan’s carmakers consisted, in essence, of Toyota and Nissan, which produced the Dotson. From 1960, the Nissan name appeared on some models sold on the home market. Those built for export were (2)( called  dstsan, but this practice only lasted) until 1983. Since then, the company has only manufactured Nissan cars. With a great export drive first targeted at America and then Europe, Japan has emerged as the international community’s major manufacturing force. Not only are Japan’s products(3)( seen on almost) every road on the globe, but its car markers have also taught the rest of the motoring world how to build its automobiles more cost-effectively.
(二)The crankshaft revolves in bearings located in the engine crankcase. It provides a constant turning force to the wheels. The function of the crankshaft is to change the reciprocating motion of the piston to rotary motion to drive the wheels and handles the entire power output. The crankshaft is made of alloy steel or cast iron. The crankshaft is actually made up of various parts such as main bearing journals, rod journal, crank arm bearing, counter-balanced weight and flywheel end. In order to reduce or eliminate vibration, a crankshaft must be provided with counter balanced weights that extend radically from the crankshaft centerline in the opposite direction of the crank arms. The rod journals are bored hollow in order to reduce the crankshaft inertia. Drilled diagonally through the crank arms are oil holes to supply oil to the rod journals.
(三)The exhaust system is vital to any vehicle because the life and performance of the vehicle is engine depend on it. So, some vehicles run on dual exhaust systems. in a dual exhaust system, the engines of such vehicles can give off exhaust gases more freely, thereby lowering the back pressure which is inherent in an exhaust system .an engine cannot function well of there is back pressure trapped in it. trapped exhaust gases choke an engine  and stop it from doing productive work. As a result, the vehicle cannot run smoothly and silently, or in the worst cases, will not run at all. with a dual exhaust system, a sizable increase in engine horsepower can be obtained because the “breathing” capacity of the engine is improved, leaving less exhaust gases in the engine at the end of each exhaust stroke.
(四)When the clutch is engaged (foot off the clutch pedal),power from the engine can flow through the clutch to the transmission, however, the vehicle will not move unless the transmission is in gear, engagement of the engine and transmission provides the necessary linkup of the engine and the drive train that permits power to transfer to the driving axles and wheels ,after engagement, the cloth must continue to transmit all the engine torque to the transmission without slippage.
(五)The transmission gears are shifted by means of a gear shift mechanism, in the first gear, the engine turns much faster in relation to the drive wheels, while in high gear the engine is loafing even though the car may be going in excess of 70mph, depending on the number of forward speeds there are three, four , and five-speed transmission, in addition to the various forward  gears, a transmission also has a neutral position which connects the engine from the drive wheels, and reverse, which cause the drive wheels to turn in the opposite direction allowing you to back up. finally, there is the park position, in the position, a latch mechanism is inserted into a slot in the output shaft to lock the drive wheels and keep them from turning , thereby preventing the vehicle from rolling.
(六)The typical hydraulic brake system consists of disk brakes on the front and either disk or drum brakes on the rear wheels connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder, the master cylinder is fluid-filled and contains two separate sections, there is a piston in each section and both pistons are connected to a brake pedal in the driver is compartment . when the brake is pushed down, brake fluid is sent from the master cylinder to the wheels. at the wheels, the fluid pushes shoes or pads against revolving drums or disks. The friction between the stationary shoes or pads and the revolving drums or disks slows or stops the revolving wheels, which , in turn , slow or stop the car.


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