
吉林大学自考本科计算机专业英(一)语复习资料 代码:07757

发布日期:2014-06-15 点击次数:2848

计算机专业英语一   07757

01. How many layers does the ISO/OSI mode have? (seven )

02. How many different types of Entity relationships are there?( 4 )
03. How many parts are there in URL? (3 )
04.How many record-based logical models are widely used ?( 3 )
05. How many different types of Entity relationships are there?( 4 )
06. How many layers does the TCP/IP layering model have? (5 ) 
07、How many basic units do today's digital computers consist of? ( 4 ) 
08、How many classes are the data models divided into?( 3 )
09、How many basic operating system types are there? (3 )
10、He had a large (number) of facts to prove his statements.
11、He told me all (As a result ), he will have to be away from school for two or three months.
12、How data are represented inside a computer system in electronic states called (.bits )
13、How many basic operating system types are there? (3 ). 
14、How many record-based logical models are widely used ?( 3)
HTML stand for(Hypertext Markup Language )
15.、External devices are linked to a small computer system through (interfaces ).
16.、CPU has only two fundamental sections: the arithmetic and logic unit and (the control unit ).
17.arithmetic and logic unit executes instructions
CD-ROM belongs to (optical laser disk )
18. Creating the database and its table structure uses (data definition  )
19..A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships, data semantics and data 
constraints is a (data model )
20、Another name for primary storage is (RAM ).
21、A computer system has five parts, they are input, output, storage, 
control unit and (processing components ).
22. A special type of primary storage which cannot be altered by the programmer is called (ROM )
23.  A list of protocols used by a certain system , one protocol per layer, is called a (protocol stack )
24. A computer system has four parts, they are output, storage, processing components and ( input )
25. Another name for primary storage is (RAM ).
26. A data model is a collection of conceptual tool for describing (data, data relationship, data semantics, data constraints  )
27.A communication pathway connecting two or more devices is a (channel ) 
28. A program instruction or a piece of data is stored in a specific primary storage location called an (address  )
29. All functions in spreadsheets start with  (an equal sign  ).
30. A bus that is used to designate the source or destination of the data on the data bus is called (  address bus )
31. An E-mail server can be considered as a (powerful operating system   )
32. A computer system has five parts, they are input, output, processing components , control unit and (storage ).
33. All Intranet related documents are written in (HTML  )19. A programming technique that allows you to view concepts as a variety of objects is called (object oriented programming )
34. A program instruction or a piece of data is stored in a specific primary storage location called an (address )
35. A bus that is used to control the access to and the use of the data and address bus is called (control bus)
36. A location in memory is accessed by its (address ).
37. A small piece of code that can be transported over the Internet and executed on the recipient’s machine. The sentence describes (applet  )
38. An E-mail server can be considered as a (high-configuration computer ) .
39. A protocol is a set of (regulations).
40. All functions in spreadsheets start with (an equal sign ).
41. A computer system has input, output, storage, and (CP ).
42. A protocol is a set of (regulations).
43. All Intranet related documents are written in (HTML)
44.A bus that connects major computer components is called (system bus  )
45.A bus that is used to designate the source or destination of the data on the data bus is called (  address bus )
46.A bus that provides a path for moving data between system modules is called ( data bus  )
47.A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships, (data semantics and data) 
48.A collection of interconnected networks is called an (internet )
49.A communication pathway connecting two or more devices is a (channel )
50.A computer having the hardware and software necessary for it to be connected to a network. The sentence describes (Network Computer)
51.A computer processes information into ( data  ).
52.A computer system has input, output, (storage) and processing components.
53.A display screen is divided into a grid of  ( pixels ).
54.A location in memory is accessed by its ( address  ).
55.A multiprocessor system has ( more than one CPU  )
56.A protocol is a set of ( regulations  ).
57.A small piece of code that can be transported over the Internet and executed on the recipient’s machine. The sentence describes (applet )
58.A special type of primary storage which cannot be altered by the programmer is called (ROM )
59.A Web browser is a piece of  (software ).
60.All programs and data must be transferred to (primary storage ) from an input device or from secondary storage before programs can be executed or data can be processed
61.All the characteristics that distinguish birds (from) other animals can be traced to prehistoric times.
62.An (Intranet ) is simply the application of Internet technology within an internal or closed usergroup 
63.An (MISD ) computer would apply several instructions to each datum it fetches form memory
64.An (SISD) computer carries out one instruction on one datum at a time constraints is a (data model )
65. What does HTTP stand for? (Hypertext Transfer Protocol )
66. What does the WWW stand for? (World Wide Web )
67. Which is an simply the application of internet technology within an internal or closed group?( intranet )
68. WWW stand for(World Wide Web)
69. When a CPU needs the data to operate, it goes where first? (the cache ).
70. What kind of computer would apply several instructions to each datum it fetches form memory? (MISD )
71. What is a computer program? (a set of instructions )
72. What is a set of programs that manipulate encoded knowledge to solve problems in a specialized domain that 81.normally requires human expertise? (Expert system )
73.Which one can be rewritten? (U-DISK )
74. When hypertext pages are mixed with other media, the result is called(hypermedia )
75. What does a worksheet mean? (a working area framed by letters and numbers  )
76. What does A worksheet mean? (an EXCEL program )
77. What kind of computer would apply one instructions to each datum it fetches form memory? (SISD )
78.Which networks usually span tens of kilometers?( Metropolitan area  )
79.What does IC stand for? (Intelligent Circuit )
80.What you said reminds me (of  something I read a few days ago.) 
81.Which description is false? (delta frames don’t record the interframe changes )
82.Which description is false? (The beauty of an Intranet lies in platform dependence  ) 
83.Which description is false? (We can’t view an OS as a resource allocator )
84.Which description is true? (It’s not necessary that different views should contain different data )
85.Which is a magnetic secondary storage device? (disk  )
86.Which is magnetic secondary storage devices?( .tape )
87.With optimal laser disk technology, the read/write head used in magnetic storage is replaced by (two) lasers
88.Would you mind (filling) this form?
89.The way each object combines its member data and member functions into a single structure is called (Encapsulation )
90.The standard query language of relational database is (SQL   )
91. The “brain” of a computer system is (CPU  )
92. The ISO/OSI mode has (seven  ) layers
93. The basic output device on a small computer is a (display screen  ).
94. To prevent user programs from interfering with the proper operation of the system, the hardware was modified to create two models: (User mode and monitor mode )
95. The realization of the mobile internet relies on a new set of standards ,known as the (WAP )
96.The software that allows one or many persons to use and/or modify this data is a (DBMS )
97.The physical components of a computer are collectively called   (hardware  ).
98.. The most popular processor interconnection topology is the (hypercube ).
99. The part of an instruction that tells the processor what to do is the (operand  ).
100. The part of an instruction that tells the processor what to do is the (operation code ).
101.The permanently useful data is stored in ( the ROM )
102. The interference that distorts electronic signals transmitted over a distance is called (noise ).
103. The WWW is based on which of the following standards (client-server model )
104. The Central Processor has only two fundamental sections (the control unit and the arithmetic and logic unit)
105. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model is based on a proposal developed by (ISO ).
106. The basic output device on a small computer is a (display screen  ).
107.The software which acts as an interface between a user of a computer and the computer hardware is (operating system )
108.The protocol which downloads files free of charge from thousands of computers around the globe is (FTP protocol ) 
109.The “intelligence” of a computer system is (processor )
110.The Central Processor has only two fundamental sections (the control unit and the arithmetic and logic unit )
111.The computer component that actually manipulates the data is  (the processor  ).
112.The data models don’t include (control unit models ) 
113.The decision (having been making ), the next problem was how to make a good plan.
114.The house (standing ) at the corner of the street was built in 1984.
115.The interference that distorts electronic signals transmitted over a distance is called (noise   ).
116.The kids are (bound to) be hungry when they get home—they always are.
117.The most popular processor interconnection topology is the (hypercube ).
118.The physical components of a computer are collectively called   (hardware  ).
119.The processor fetches and executes (instructions   ).
120.The realization of the mobile internet relies on a new set of standards ,known as the (WAP )
121.The smog is due to invisible gases, (mostly from automobile exhaust.)
122.The software that allows one or many persons to use and/or modify this data is a (DBMS )
123.The software which acts as an interface between a user of a computer and the computer hardware is (operating system )
124.The source of a computer’s logic is (software  ).
125.The standard query language of relational database is (SQL   )
126.The steps that occur between the user’s click and the page being displayed don’t include (the TCP connection isn’t released )
127.The waveform repeats the same shape at regular intervals and this portion is called a (period  )
128.The WWW is( based on client-server model standards)
129.Three main categories of optical laser disks don’t include (primary storage ) 
130.To facilitate an even faster transfer of instructions and data to the processor, most computers are designed with (Cache memory)
131. Optical laser disk includes CD-ROM, magneto-optical disk and (WORM disk )
132. Output devices don’t include (scanner )
133. Output devices don’t include (mouse )
134. Output devices don’t include (scanner )
135. Objected-based logic models are used for ( describing data at the conceptual and view levels )
136.Data and program instructions are stored in (memory ).
137.If an object inherits its attributes from a single parent, it is called(single inheritance )
138. Programmers write (  source code ).
139. (Primary storage)  provides the CPU with temporary storage for programs and data
140. Normally, how long does a user need to wait until his/her E-mail account is ready if he/she applies for it from an ISP ? (no time )
141. Before typing in any data, a user needs to (select the cell).
142.Cache memory is employed by computer designers to increase computer system (throughput )
143..LCD is based on which of the following? (TFT )
( It is not yet known ) whether robots will one day have vision as good as human  (database management system ) allows one or many persons to use and/or modify this data(Expert system) is s set of programs that manipulate encoded knowledge to solve problems in a specialized domain that normally requires human expertise (Multimedia) is encoded at least through a continuous and a discrete medium
(the World Wide Web ) is an architectural framework for accessing linked documents spread out over thousands of machines all over the Internet(parallel OS ) is tightly coupled
144.Data and program instructions are stored in (memory  ).
145.Each cell of a worksheet can hold  (one piece of data   ).
146.Edison failed (thousands of ) times before he succeeded in producing the first electric lamp.
hard disk is a magnetic secondary storage device
147.In computer networks, the rules and conventions used in the conversation are known as(protocol )
148.Input devices don’t include (video displays ) 
149.It is impossible to solve (so difficult problem  ) in such a short time.
150.(LCD )is based on TFT 
151.Memory’s contents are changed when it is (written  ).
152.Normally, how long does a user need to wait until his/her E-mail account is ready if he/she applies for it from an ISP ? (no time )
153.Once a user starts an IRC client, the server on the IRC service provider side will provide the user a (channel ).
154.One of the methods (adopted ) is to organize visits to other factories.
155.Physical data models are used for (describing data at the lowest level ) 
156.Polymorphism gives objects the ability to respond to (messages from )
routines when the object’s exact type isn’t known.
158. In C++ this ability is a result of (late binding )
159.Processor has only two fundamental sections (the control unit and the arithmetic and logic unit)
160.Programs are known collectively as (software   ).record-based logic models don’t include (Physical data model )\ 
161.Scientists will have to come up (with ) new methods of increasing the world’s food supply. 
162. Which of the following feature of a word processor becomes more useful with the growth of the amount of text?( wording searching)  
163. Which of the following feature of a word processor can show underline, bold, italic, font and other typing styles on the screen? (WYSIWYG ) 
164. Which of the following does NOT belong to hidden characters or commands?  (retrieval)     
165. Where is the Entry Bar of a worksheet?(below the icons of the worksheet)  
166. Which of the following can NOT be created by spreadsheets?(start chart)  
167. Which of the following message can be sent by E-mail without an attachment? (text message)    
168. Which of the following can be applied for an E-mail message without an attachment? (none)
169. Which of the following does NOT belong to one of the E-mail advantages? (none)
170. A private network-based E-mail system is not for (home users)
171. Which of the following is called a searching engine?(Web browser) 
172. Which of the following is NOT an Internet application?(file compiling)
173. To start an online chatting, a user needs to know the (Web address of an IRC client)
174.  Once a user starts an IRC client, the server on the IRC service provider side will provide the user a (channel) 
175. Which of the following is the primary function of the WWW? (accessing resources )
176. Which of the following is NOT supported by the WWW? (File compiling)
177. To accommodate a binary number, which of the following of a computer doesn't have more digits than those for decimal numbers do? (keyboard)
178. Which of the following unit provides signals to start the operations in the ALU the memory and the input/output unit? (control unit)
179. What does IC stand for?( Intelligent Circuit )
180. How many the most influential components does a computer system configuration include? (4 ) 
181. Which of the following does NOT belong to one of the most influential components of a computer system configuration? (the operating system)
182. Which of the following memory will lose the data stored in it when the power is gone or a malfunction occurs? (the RAM)
183. The permanently useful data is stored in which of the following memory? (the ROM )
184. Which of the following does NOT belong to a computer hardcopy output?( voice)
185. Which of the following does NOT belong to a computer hardcopy output device? (a monitor)
186. Which of the following belongs to an impact computer hardcopy output device? (a plotter)
187. Which of the following is the major advantage of a DVD-ROM over a CD-ROM? (capacity)
188. Which of the following is the major advantage of a CD-R or a CD-RW over a CD-ROM or a DVD-ROM? (writing data)
189. Which of the following is the major advantage of a U-disk over a hard disk? (easy to carry)
190. Which of the following is NOT one of the most commonly used software-relevant terminologies?( data)
191. Which of the following is the most fundamental concept of computer software?(program)
192. Which of the following does NOT belong to computer system software? (word processing program)
193. Which function of a word processor can ensure typing correctness?(spell checking )         
194. What do users need to do with the spell-checked files to ensure their correctness?(proofread)
195. Which of the following is NOT one of a word processor's functions?(compiling typed text)
196. Which of the following is NOT one of the most commonly used software-relevant terminologies?( data) 
197. A computer processes  data  into( information).
198. Data flow into the computer as(input).
199. Information flows from a computer as ( output )
200. The ( stored program )distinguishes a computer from a calculator. 
201. The physical components of a computer are collectively called( hardware )   
202. Programs are known collectively as( software ) 
203. A physical switch is (hardware); its setting is(software). 
204. A ( byte ) holds enough bits to store a single character.    
205. A ( word )is a group of ( bytes )  
206. The " digit-times-place-value "rule work, with (numbers)but not with( characters )   
207. When memory is(read ).its contents are not changed. 
208. The programmer can read and write(RAM).  
209. What type of memory can only be read? ROM
210. The processor's, components are synchronized by( clock pulses )   
211. Which processor component executes instructions?  (arithmetic and logic unit)
212. The basic input device on a small computer is a ( keyboard ).
213. The basic output device on a small computer is a( display screen ) .
214. A (printer) generates hard- copy output.   
215. External devices are linked to a small computer system through( control units )   
216.The (register) translates between the computer's internal codes and a peripheral device's external codes.   
217. A(remote) terminal communicates with a distant computer over data transmission lines.  
218. (Wide area) network can be worldwide.  
219. (Metropolitan area)networks usually span tens of kilometers.   
220.(The network layer) is concerned with controlling the operation of the subnet.  
221. (The physical layer) is concerned with transmitting raw bits over a communication channel.  
222. The main task of (The data link layer)is to transform a raw transmission facility into a line that appears free of undetected transmission errors to the network layer.  
223.(The session layer)allows users on different machines to establish sessions between them. 
224. The ( operating system )serves as a hardware/software interface. 
225. The source of a computer’s logic is(software ).   
226. A disk drive is limited to a few( primitive operatios )  
227. Programmers write ( source )code. 
1.class hierarchy类层次
4.data bus数据总线
5.Operating system操作系统
7.Neural Networks  神经网络 
8. topology analysis拓扑分析
9.ADO ActiveX数据对象
10. multiprogramming多道程序设计
11. ODBC 开放数据库互连
12.VR 虚拟现实
13.cache memory 高速缓冲存储器
15.system bus系统总线
16. GUI 图形用户界面
18.object-oriented programming面向对象编程
19.virtual reality虚拟现实
20.主存 (Main memory )
21.调制解调器(modem )
22.可编程只读存储器 (PROM )
23. off-line operation 脱机操作
24.客户端/服务器 (Client/Server )
25.多媒体(Multimedia )
26.虚函数(virtual function )
27. neural network 神经网络
28..VDT 视频显示终端
29.EDI 电子数据交换
30.CAM 计算机辅助制造
31. RDBMS 关系型数据库管理系统
33.RAM随机存储器工具条 ( toolbar )
35.统一资源定位( URL )
36.统一资源标识符( URI )
37.人工智能( Artificial Intelligence )
38. KDD 数据库中的知识发现
39.面向对象 (Object Oriented )
40.图形用户接口 (Graphical user interface )
41.中央处理器( CPU )
42.计算机网络( computer network)  
43.国际互联网 (Internet )
44.计算机辅助制造( CAM )
45.软件工程 (software engineering)
46.视频压缩 (video compression )
47.算术逻辑部件( ALU )
48.计算机应用(computer application )
49.电子商务 (Electronic Business )
50.虚拟现实 (virtual reality )
51. EJB 企业(Java Beans)
52.图形用户接口(Graphical user interface )
53.应用编程接口 (API)
55. memory stick 记忆棒
56.传输控制协议/互联网协( TCP/IP )
57.万维网( WWW )
58.地理信息系统( GIS )
59. RAP 快速应用程序原型技术
60.只读存储( ROM )
61.系统软件( system software )
62.磁盘操作系(DOS )
63.结构化查询语言( SQL )
64.虚拟专用网( VPN )
65.开放式系统互( OSI )
66.个人数字助理 (PDA )
67. VLSI 超大规模集成电路
68.带宽 (bandwidth )
69.集成电路 (integrated circuit )
70.结构化编程(Structured programming )
71.复杂指令集计算机(CISC )
72.短信消息服务(SMS )
73.PCI 外围设备互连
74.. real time operating system 实时操作系统
75.OODBMS  面向对象的数据库管理系统
76.abstract data type 抽象数据类型
77.abstract data type  抽象数据类型
91.Expert System专家系统
94.Hard disk硬盘
95.HTML 超文本标记语言
107.network communication网络通信
108.off-line operation脱机操作
113.primary memory主存
116.real time operating system 实时操作系统
120.system bus系统总线
122.topology analysis拓扑分析
123.virtual reality虚拟现实
125.Web site网站站点
126.超文本标记语言(  HTML  )
131.封装 (encapsulation  )
132.工具条 (  toolbar  )
135.国际互联网 (Internet )
138.计算机(Computer )
139.计算机辅助软件工程 (CASE )
140.键盘 (keyboard)
141.可编程只读存储器 (PROM )
142.可移植性 (transportability )
143.客户端/服务器 (Client/Server )
144.软盘驱动器( FDD )
146.数据库管理系(  DBMS  )
147.搜索引擎 (search engine)
149.网络计算机(network computer)
152.小型计算机系统接口 (SCSI)
155.虚函数(virtual function )
158.专家系统(expert system)
1.CD-R recorders are used to duplicate CDs( T )     
2.CD-ROM stands for compact disk read-only memory. ( T )
3.CD-R recorders are used to duplicate CDs T )
4.Cache memory is much faster than RAM. ( T )
5.C is an Object-Oriented programming language. ( F )
6.The system clock is the brain of a computer. ( F )
7.Cache memory is much faster than RAM. ( T )
8.Cache memory is less expensive than RAM.( F)
9.CD-R recorders can be used to duplicate CDs( T )
10.C++ language is a structured programming language. (  F  )
11.Cache memory is as fast as RAM. ( T )
12.C++ language is a structured programming language.( F)
13.Cache memory is more expensive than RAM.( T )
14.CPU has only one fundamental section: the control unit. ( F )
15.Internet resources are stored on Web servers. ( T )
16.Windows 2000 is the first Windows operating system in a real sense.( F )
17.We can view an operating system as a resource manager. ( T )
18.Windows 95 is the first Windows operating system in a real sense. ( T )
19.We can view an OS as a resource manager. ( T )
20.We can view an operating system as a output hardware. ( T )
21.WWW stands for World Wide Web. ( T )
22.You can connect 255 devices to a computer by USB. ( F )
23.You can connect 120 devices to a computer by USB. (T )
24.You can connect 255 devices to a computer by USB. ( F )
25.You can connect 127 devices to a computer by USB. ( T )
26.You can connect 255 devices to a computer by USB. ( F )
27.Keyboard and mouse are both the input devices of the computer. ( T )
28.Both the user names and the passwords must be unique for E-mail accounts.( F )
29.Buffering is an approach to improving system performance. ( T )
30.Buffering is an approach to improving system performance. ( T )
31.ALU is one of the components of CPU.( T )
32.A cache runs as fast as a RAM. ( F)
33.An OS is the software which acts as an interface between a user and a computer. ( T )
34.A buffer's capacity is low and price is high, and it runs as fast as a RAM. ( F )
35.A CPU includes the ALU and the controller. ( T )
36.ALU is one of the components of CPU. ( T )
37.JAVA is a Object-Oriented programming language.(T )
38.A scanner belongs to the output device. ( F )
39.A U-disk belongs to the output device.( T )
40.PROM is the abbreviation of portable read –only memory. ( F )
41.PCI is a popular low-bandwidth bus. ( F)
42.Printer is the input device of the computer. ( F)
43.Microsoft Windows 2000 is an operating system of the computer. ( T )
44.PCI is a popular low-bandwidth bus. ( F)
45.Printer is the input device of the computer. ( F)
46.PCIisabbreviationofperipheralcomponentinterconnect.( T )
47.Primary storage provides CPU with temporary storage for programs and data. (T)
48.Printer is the I/O device of the computer. ( T )
49.The system clock sends out pulses regularly. ( T )
50.PDA is one of the components of CPU. ( F )
51.PCI is a popular low-bandwidth bus. ( F )
52.FTP is a protocol of the computer network. ( T )
53.PROM is the abbreviation of portable read –only memory.(T )
54.HTTP stands for High Transportation Port. ( F )
55.Hard disks and floppies operate in different ways. ( F)
56.Hard disk provides CPU with temporary storage for programs and data. (F)
57.Cache memory is much faster than RAM. ( T)
58.HTML is used to write Web pages.( T)
59.HTTP is used to locate Internet resources. ( F )
60.VDT stands for video display terminal. (T)
61.System bus provides a path for moving data between system modules. ( F )
62.The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )
63.There 3 main categories of optical laser disks: CD-ROM, DVD and VCD. ( F )
64.The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )
65.The user name must be unique for E-mail accounts. ( T )
66.The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )
67.The Web browser is used to display the data stored on the Internet. ( T )
68.The wide of the bus is also called the "word length". ( T )
69.The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )
70.The CPU is the brain of a computer( T )
71.The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )
72.To format a floppy means that magnetic areas are created. (T )
73.Microsoft SQL server 2000 is an operating system of the computer. ( F )
74.Microsoft Office 2003 is operating system software. ( F )
75.-DOS refers to Microsoft Disk Operating System. ( T )
76.MS Office 2000 is the first Windows operating system in a real sense. ( F )
77.Microsoft Office 2003 is an operating system software. ( F )
78.MS-DOS is a Object-Oriented programming language. ( F )
79.MS Windows 2000 is a hardware component of computer.(F)
80.DVD provides CPU with temporary storage programdata.( F )
81.JAVA is a structured programming language. ( F )
82.JAVA is a Object-Oriented programming language. ( T )
83.ROM is the abbreviation of read of memory. ( F )
84.OS is the software which acts as an interface between a user and a computer. ( T )
85.FTP is not a protocol of the computer network. ( F )
86.FTP is a protocol of the computer network. ( T )
87.Linux is an operating system. ( T )
88.URL is used to locate Internet resources. ( T )
89.E-mail is a method of sending and receiving messages on the Internet. ( F )
90.XML is used to write Web pages.( F )
91.A buffer's capacity is low and price is high, and it runs as fast as a RAM. ( F )
92.A scanner belongs to the output device. ( F )
93.A U-disk belongs to the output device.( T )
94.Both the user names and the passwords must be unique for E-mail accounts.( F )
95.C is an Object-Oriented programming language. ( F )
96.FTP is not a protocol of the computer network. ( F )
97.Hard disk provides CPU with temporary storage for programs and data. (F )
98.HTML is used to write Web pages.( T)
99.Linux is an operating system. ( T )
100MS-DOS refers to Microsoft Disk Operating System. ( T )
101.Primary storage provides CPU with temporary storage for programs and data. (T)
102. The smallest unit of the memory is the magnetic cell.( T)
103. Magnetic cells use the "write" and "read" currents with same direction to store and retrieve data.( F)
104. The most influential component of a computer system configuration is the memory.( F )
105. Both ink-jet and laser printers are non-impact printers; they are based on the same principle. (F)
106. Ink-jet printers have pins in their printing heads to form dots to produce printed results.( F)
107. A plotter is the popular hardcopy output device commonly used in the education sector. (F)
108. Word processors ease much of tedium associated typing, proofing. and manipulating words. (T)
109. The real strength of a word processor is its ability to store, retrieve , and change data. (T)
110. The implementation of the WWW is based on a standard client-server model. (T)
111. All Von Neumann type digital computers consist of the input/output unit, the arithmetic unit, networking unit, the control unit and the memory. (F)
112. A scanner belongs to the input/output device. (T)
113. A binary number needs more computer resource to accommodate than a decimal number.(T)
114. The operations on decimal numbers are much easier and need much less time than in a binary system. (F)
115. HTML is so important to the WWW that it is recognized every where on the WWW. (F)
116. The Web server is the only component of the WWW that is able to read the HTML. (F)
117. Generally speaking, most of E-mail systems do allow text formatting.(F)
118. Users have to attach word-formatted texts to their E-mail messages if they have to send word-formatted texts. (T)
119. Instantaneousness and high efficiency are major advantages of the E-mail application. (T)
1. Computer software    A. provides support for application software.
2. System utilities       B refers to Microsoft Disk Operating System.
3. System software      C is a set of computer programs.
4. Operating systems     D. has been widely used in CAD programs.
5. MS-DOS            E. are more suitable for PC users.
6. The Unix            F. can be understood as systemtune-up programs.
7. The Linux           G. are truly powerful enterprise-level computing tools.
8. The Unix and Linux   H. is the first Windows operating system     in a real sense.
9. MS Windows        I. has been adopted for Internet servers.
10. Windows 95        J. are preloaded onto computers by computer makers.
11. The storage device    A. sends out pulses regularly.
12. A CPU includes     B. faster than a RAM.
13. The wide of the bus    C. the ALU and the ontroller.
14. The system clock   D. is used to read and write data.
15. ROM            E. belongs to the system configuration of a computer.
16. A buffer runs     F. the buffer first when it needs data    to operate.
17. A CPU searches     G. exchange sections of data when    necessary.
18. A hard disk and a RAM      H. is the extension of the RAM.
19. A RAM         I. is able to keep the data stored in it when the power is gone.
20. The virtual memory        J. is also called the "word length"
1-C  2-F  3-A  4-J  5-B  6-D  7-I  8-G  9-E  10-H
11-E  12-C  13-J  14-A  15-I  16-B  17-F  18-G  19-D  20-H
1.Threadis sometimes called lightweight process.
2.A collection that stores objects of the same data type is referred to as ahomogeneous collection.
3.Avirus scanner is a program that is designed to check an entire computer system for known viruses or suspicious activity. 
4.A stackis a list of items that are accessible at only one end of the list.
5. Electronic Business is the integration of IT and particularly the Internet into business processes to change organizations and create new ones.
6. Cache memory is employed by computer designers to increase the computer system throughput .
7.The operating system acts as themanager of system resources and allocates them to specific programs and users as necessary for their tasks.
8.Hubs can be categorized as either CSMA/CD or full-duplexrepeaters.
9.Frequency division multiplexing (FDM) is the technical term applied to a network system that uses multiple carrier frequencies to allow independent signals to travel through a medium.
10、TheUnified Modeling Language(UML)is a graphical language for visualizing , specifying , constructing , and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system.
11. Data queryuses a set of commands to explore the database contents and allows the user to convert the raw data into useful information.
12. Another important object-oriented concept that relates to the class hierarchy is that common messages can be sent to the parent class objects and all derived subclass objects. In formal terms, this is called polymorphism.
13.Anentityis an object , which can be uniquely distinguished from other objects.
14.Remote teleworkers also have the option to have an ISDN line installed to their home or office , linking them to the corporate Intranet via a local internet service provider(ISP).
15. In predicate calculus , each predicateis given a name , which is followed by the list of arguments.
16. Virtual functions utilize a table for addressinformation.
17.The MAC sublayer defines the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detectionprotocol , which made Ethernet famous.
18.Pages are viewed with abrowser .
19. An expert system’s knowledge is obtained from expert sources and coded in a form suitable for the system to use in its inference or reasoning processes.
20.Windows managers manage the devices used to exchange information between applications and users.
21.Methods are similar to the functions of procedure-oriented programming.
 The C++ class actually serves as a template or pattern for creating objects.
22. Theprivatesection of a class limits the availability of data or methods to the class itself.
23.Flash memoryis intermediate between EPROM and EEPROM in bith cost and functionality.
24. Inheritancein object-oriented programming allows a class to inherit properties from a class of objects.
25.The Entity-Relationship model( E-R model )is based on a perception of a real world which consists of objects called entities and relationships among these objects.
26.Linux is an operating system , which acts as a communication service between the hardware and the software of a computer system.
27. Spooling provides a pool of jobs which have been read and waiting to be run.
28.Data management uses a set of commands to enter , correct , delete , and update data within the database tables.
29. The pattern of the oscillation is called a waveform .
30.Mooreobserved that the number of transistors that could be put on a single chip was doubling every year and 27. To reduce design complexity , most networks are organized as a series of layer( levels ) , each one built upon the one below it.
31.correctly predicted that this pace would continue into the near future.
32.Threadis sometimes called lightweight process.
33.A collection that stores objects of the same data type is referred to as ahomogeneouscollection.
34.Avirus scanner is a program that is designed to check an entire computer system for known viruses or suspicious activity. 
35.A stackis a list of items that are accessible at only one end of the list.
36.Electronic Business is the integration of IT and particularly the Internet into business processes to change organizations and create new ones.
37.Cache memory is employed by computer designers to increase the computer system throughput .
38.The operating system acts as themanager of system resources and allocates them to specific programs and users as necessary for their tasks.
39. Hubs can be categorized as either CSMA/CD or full-duplexrepeaters.
40.Frequency division multiplexing ( FDM ) is the technical term applied to a network system that uses multiple carrier frequencies to allow independent signals to travel through a medium.
41.TheUnified Modeling Language( UML)is a graphical language for visualizing , specifying , constructing , and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system.
42. Data queryuses a set of commands to explore the database contents and allows the user to convert the raw data into useful information.
43..Another important object-oriented concept that relates to the class hierarchy is that common messages can be sent to the parent class objects and all derived subclass objects. In formal terms, this is called polymorphism.
44.An  entityis an object , which can be uniquely distinguished from other objects.
45.Remote teleworkers also have the option to have an ISDN line installed to their home or office , linking them to the corporate Intranet via a local internet service provider(ISP).
46.In predicate calculus , each predicateis given a name , which is followed by the list of arguments.
47.Virtual functions utilize a table for address information.
48.The MAC sublayer defines the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detectionprotocol , which made Ethernet famous.
49.Pages are viewed with abrowser .
50.An expert system’s knowledge is obtained fromexpert sources and coded in a form suitable for the system to use in its inference or reasoning processes.
51. Windows managers manage the devices used to exchange information between applications and users.
52.Methods are similar to the functions of procedure-oriented programming.
53.The C++ class actually serves as a template or pattern for creating objects.
54.Theprivatesection of a class limits the availability of data or methods to the class itself.
55.Flash memoryis intermediate between EPROM and EEPROM in bith cost and functionality.
56. Inheritancein object-oriented programming allows a class to inherit properties from a class of objects.
57.The Entity-Relationship model(E-R model)is based on a perception of a real world which consists of objects called entities and relationships among these objects.
58.Linux is an operating system , which acts as a communication service between the hardware and the software of a computer system.
59. Spooling provides a pool of jobs which have been read and waiting to be run.
60. Data management uses a set of commands to enter , correct , delete , and update data within the database tables.
61The pattern of the oscillation is called a waveform .
62. Mooreobserved that the number of transistors that could be put on a single chip was doubling every year and 27. To reduce design complexity , most networks are organized as a series of layer( levels) , each one built upon the one below it.
63.correctly predicted that this pace would continue into the near future.
1. (Window managers ) It manage the devices used to exchange information between applications  and users
2.( DBMS ) The software that allows one or many persons to use and/or modify this data
3.( insert ) To ass text or data to a file while editing
4.( Network computer ) A computer having the hardware and software necessary for it to be  connected to a network
5.( E-Mail ) Let you send messages to Russia, Japan and so on
6.( Gateway ) A device that connect networks using different communications protocols so that information can be passed from one to the other
7.( multimedia ) Combination of media
8.( hub ) In a network, a device joining communication lines at a central location , providing a common connection to all devices on the network
9.In computer networks , pages that point to other pages are said to us ( hypertext )
10.All Intranet related documents are written in ( HTML )
11.( Interframe ) compression uses a system of key and delta frames to eliminate redundant information between frames
12.A computer system has input , output ,( storage ) and processing component
13.C++’s advantages include strong typing,( Operator overloading  ), and less emphasis on the preprocessor
14.When hypertext pages are mixed with other media , the result is called ( hypermedia )
15.the ( processor ) is “intelligence” of a computer system
16.( multimedia ) means from the user’s perspective, that computer information can be represented through audio and/or video, in addition to text, image, graphics and animation
17.When hypertext pages are mixed with other media, the result is called ( hypermedia )
18 Network managers have long {awaited} practical voice-over-IP(VOIP) solutions. VOIP {promises} ease network management and decreases costs by converging at a company's telephony and data infrastructures into one network. And a VOIP solution implemented at a company's headquarters with far-reaching branch offices can { save }tremendous amounts of {money} in long distance phone bill, provided that solution delivers POTS-like voice { quality } over the Internet.
19 Basically, a firewall is a { standalone} process or a set of integrated processes that runs on a router or { server } to control the flow of networked application traffic { passing } through it. Typically, firewalls are placed on the entry point to a {public} network such as the Internet. They could be considered traffic cops. The firewall's {role}is to ensure to ensure that all communication between an organization's network and the Internet conform to the organization's security policies.
20 All of these applications will enhance the { quality } of life and spur economic growth. Over half of the U.S. work force is now in jobs that are information { based }. The telecommunication and information sector of the U.S. economy now {account} for 12 percent of the Gross Domestic Product, groing much faster than any other sector of the economy. Last year the { revenues}in this sector exceeded 700 billion dollars. The U.S. exported over 48 billion doooars of telecommunication equipment { alone }
21 The growth of switching has { created } a new generation of network management tools that help { technicians}cope with the challenges, { enabling }them to correlate device alarm in order to {better}pinpoint root causes, or to monitor service levels without depending on IP subnetting schemes. These new tools have become essential to coping with the primary {side} effect of any treatment that significantly increases network flexibility: added complexity.
22 Many word processing programs include spell checker. It checks the spelling of every word in a {document )by looking up each word in its dictionary. If the word does not appear in the dictionary, the user is {alerted}to a possible misspelling and possible corrections are often { suggested }. Spell checker does not recognize unusual people names or specialized terms, but it will often allow you to to create your own personal dictionary of specialized words you often use. Spell checker is a valuable aids to proofreading, but it can not catch the {substitution }of one correctly spelled word for another (such as form for from). Thus it does not {grarantee }a document is free of spelling errors.
23 A local-area network (LAN) is a communications network that {interconnects} a variety of devices and provides a {means} for information exchange among those devices. The scope of the LAN is small typically a single building or a cluster of buildings. The LAN is usually owned by the same organization that owns the {attached} devices. The internal data rate of LAN is at least several Mbit/s. The basic of LAN communication is broadcasting. At each station, there is a transmitter/receiver that communicates over a {medium} shared by other stations. A transmission from any one station is {broadcast} to a received by all other stations.
Passage 1:
A database system gives us a way of  gathering  together specific pieces or lists of  information  that are relevant to us in our jobs or our lives. It also provides a way to stroe and maintain that information in a central place. The first commercial computers were really  nothing more than dedicated database machine used to gather, sort and report on census information. To this day, one of the most common reasons for purchasing a computer is to  run  a database system.
Passage II.
Toolboxes and menus in many application programs were  designed  for working with the mouse. The mouse controls a pointer on the screen. You move the pointer by  sliding the mouse over a flat surface in the direction you want the pointer to move. If you run out of  room  to move the mouse, lift it up and put it down again. The pointer moves only when the mouse is   touching  the flat surface. Moving the mouse pointer across the screen does not affect the document, the pointer simply   indicates  a location on the screen. When you press the mouse button, something happens at the location of the pointer.
Passage III
The boot is to   initiate  automatic routine that clears the memory,  loads the operating system, and prepares the computer for  use   Included in the computer's read-only memory (ROM is the power-on-self-test, which  executes when the power is switched on (a cold hoot.
    After a system   crash or lockup occurs, you usually must boot the computer again, or reboot, by  pressing the Reset button or Ctrl + Alt + Del (a warm boot).
Perhaps you have been asking the questions: Is everyone moving to  windows  ? If I don't step to the graphical user interface, will I be left all along at the cold   DOS command line?
     Don't throw away your  software . No one is sounding DOS's death knell yet. DOS and its applications people have using for years are not going to stop working overnight.
1.Internet resource access is the primary function of the World Wide Web.

2.The WWW can be described as an internet application platform.
3.User must get their E-mail systems setup first before they can use them.
4.MS-DOS is a command line interface-based operating system.
 MS-DOS 是命令行界面型操作系统。
5.We have the input/output and store devices to go.
6.Gopher, FTP, Usenet and Web sites are the ways the WWW offers to access the resources located on the Internet
万维网提供Gopher、FTP、Usenet和Web sites 等访问互联网资源的途径
7.With E-mail services, computer users can receive and send messages in a pretty convenient way.
8.A user can’t start receiving and sending messages without an E-mail account.
9.A user needs to select the cell where date goes first and then type in the date.
10.Operating system is the most important type of computer system software.
11、In each of these statements , there is a list of individuals , which is given by the argument list , together with phrases that describe certain relations among or properties of the individuals mentioned in the argument list.
12. Another reason commonly given that languages like Lisp, TCL, and Smalltalk are good for prototyping is that they don’t require you to pin down decisions early on------ these languages are semantically rich. 
13.We have systems which can see well enough to “recognize” objects from photographs , video cameras and other sensors.
14. In the meantime , the lure of a cheaper and easier-to-maintain intranet infrastructure brought about by the use of a relatively standard Web client has many IS managers enthusiastic about using Web browsers. 
15. Work parts are automatically loaded at central locations on to the handling system and are routed to the  proper machine tools. 
16.In each of these statements , there is a list of individuals , which is given by the argument list , together with phrases that describe certain relations among or properties of the individuals mentioned in the argument list.
17. Even though one can argue that all programs exhibit some degree of intelligence , an AI program will go beyond this in demonstrating a high level of intelligence to a degree that equals or exceeds the intelligence required of a human in performing some task.
18.Geographic information systems are one of the fastest growing business applications and later this decade may be as common as word processing software and spreadsheet applications. 
19、Warehouse data is often gathered from sources throughout an enterprise , including different applications , databases , and computer systems , and is likely to be fragmented and inconsistent. 
20. To transport a CAD system running in one operating system to another operating system is not as trivial as recompiling the software. 
21.All users see the same image; thus, other team members view the scene from an incorrect perspective with the resulting distortion depending upon differences in location within the immersive room. 
22.A handheld’s constraints(局限性) mean that it’s usually impossible to directly port a desktop application to a wireless handheld device. For the same reasons, it’s difficult to directly access most Web sites with a handheld device. Web applications are traditionally designed based on the assumption that visitors will have a desktop computer with a large screen and a mouse.
23.A new concept called the Storage Area Network(SAN)(存储区域网络)could offer an answer to the increasing amount of data that needs to be stored in an enterprise network environment. By implementing a SAN, users can offload storage traffic from daily network operations while establishing a direct connection between storage elements and servers.
24. A Storage Area Network(SAN,存储区域网) does not need to be a physically separate network, either. It can be a dedicated sub-network, carrying only the business-critical I/O traffic between servers and storage devices. A SAN, for example, would not carry general-purpose traffic such as e-mail or other end-user applications. This type of net avoids the unacceptable trade-offs inherent in a single network for all applications
25. Plug and Play(即插即用)——basically a set of PC architecture specifications---is an effort by hardware and software vendors to design intelligence into PCs to handle installation and configuration tasks automatically and without user intervention.
With a plug-and-play system, users can install devices into or remove them from a desktop or mobile PC; dock and undock desktop PCs from a network; and optimally configure the system for different applications without modifying configuration parameters or expansion-card jumper settings.
26.IPV6——the next-generation networking protocol——promises to change the way corporate networks and the Internet work.IPv6 (also referred to as IPng or ,simply,v6)will eliminate some of IPv4's shortcomings that have appeared as a result of the global Internet explosion.IPv6 is a much-needed improvement, promising easier-to-obtain IP addresses, cheaper and faster routing, and such features as quality of service(QOS, 服务质量) and encryption(加密).
27. RISC processors, because they are software-programmable, provide the flexibility to adapt to the rapidly evolving data communications market. However, they lack ASIC-level performance because of their generalized(归一化的) architectures. ASICs solve the performance problem but can take 12 to 18 months to develop; require scarce, specialized engineering talent to implement; and have fixed functionality. Modifying an ASIC can cost six to nine months in time-to-market and, even worse, can force forklift upgrades on customers who own equipment based on out-of-date silicon(硅).
28. Hand-held devices(手持设备) are more limited than desktop computers in several important ways. Their screens are small——perhaps a few inches square or able to display only a few lines of text-and they’re often monochrome instead of color. Their input capabilities are limited to a few buttons or numbers, or entering data takes extra time, as happens with a personal digital assistant’s (PDA) handwriting-recognition capabilities. They have less processing power and memory to work with, and their wireless network connections have less bandwidth and are slower than those of computers hard-wired to fast LANs.
29. Digital subscriber line technology comes in a bewildering variety of flavors, but they all have one thing in common——they use various modulation techniques to turn those plodding "last mile" loops of copper between the customer premises and the telco's(电信公司) central office into high-speed data and voice carriers. Most of the focus has been on ADSL(asymmetric digital subscriber line),which delivers rates of 32 Kbps to 8.192 Mbps downstream, and 32 Kbps to 1.088 Mbps upstream to the network, while providing phone service at the same time on the same line. 
30. But even without a new OS, these features can be utilized. Leveraging Windows' driver model, specialty vendors will offer drivers that can fully exploit these integrated features. Thus providing dramatically improved——or arguably, finally usable-video and speech capabilities. Of course, this Pentium-Windows chasm provides an opportunity for other operating system vendors such as Red Hat and Be Inc. That is assuming that they can react like the Microsoft of old.
但即使没有新的OS,也能利用这些特性。通过利用Windows的驱动程序模型,专业公司将提供全面利用这些内在特性的驱动程序,从而提供戏剧性改进了的——或者还有争议,但最终能使用的视频与语音功能。当然,这场Pentium-Windows的角逐为其它的操作系统公司,如Red Hat公司和Be公司提供了机会。这是假设他们能像过去的微软公司那样工作。
31. Given the relative quickness of software development, one would think that software solutions would lead the computing agenda for many years. But as software delays have become more profound and commonplace, hardware-featured solutions are beginning to offer better solutions than their software counterparts. And given the improving capabilities of hardware development, hardware vendors will become the clear leader in this race.
32.Video compression is a collection of techniques used to shrink video files. Embodied by products called codecs (compression/decompression), these methods fall into two general categories: interframe and intraframe compression.
Interframe compression uses a system of key and delta frames to eliminate redundant information between frames. Key frames store an entire frame, while delta, or “difference”, frames record only the interframe changes. During decompression, the CPU builds frames from the key frames and accumulated deltas.
Intraframe compression is performed entirely within individual frames. During intraframe compression, codes use a variety of techniques to convert pixels to more compact mathematical formulas. The simplest technique is called run length encoding (RLE), in which rows of adjacent identical pixels are grouped together.
视频图像压缩是一组用来缩小视频图像文件大小的技术. 由被称为Codecs(压缩/解压)产品所体现的这些方法分为两大类: 帧间压缩和帧内压缩.
帧间压缩利用关键帧和§帧方法来消除帧之间的冗余信息. 关键帧存储一幅完整的帧, 而§帧或”差异”帧, 仅记录帧间变化. 解压时, CPU从关键帧和累加的§帧来构造各个帧.
帧内压缩是完全在个别的帧内进行的. 在帧内压缩时, Codecs使用各种技术把像素转换成更紧凑的数学公式. 最简单的技术称作行程长度编码(RLE). 按这种编码法, 各行中相邻的相同像素串归在一起.
33.Block: A sequence of executable statements which is a part of an executable constructor. 
Data object: A variable or a constant.
Data entity: A data object, the result of the evaluation of an expression, or the result of a function reference. 
Definition: A derived type definition defines a derived data type. A subprogram definition defines a user-defined subroutine or function. A variable or a record of an internal file is defined if they have a valid value.
Double precision real: The double precision real type is a special case of the real type.
FORTRAN processor: The computing system consisting of hardware and software by which programs are transformed for use on that system.
Parent object: A subobject is a part of a parent object.
Presence: An optional dummy argument is present if an actual argument is associated with it which either a present dummy argument of the caller is or which is not a dummy argument of the caller.
Reference: A “data object reference” is the appearance of the data object name or data object designator where its value is required during program execution.
Variable: A named variable is a scalar or an array object that has an own name. An unmanned variable is an array element, an array section, a structure component, or a character string.
块(程序块): 可执行语句序列, 它是可执行结构的一部分
数据对象: 变量或常量
数据实体: 数据对象、表达式球值的结果或函数引用的结果
FORTRAN处理器: 由硬件和软件组成的计算系统,程序由此软件变换以供在此系统上使用.
存在: 一个可任选的哑变元是存在的,如果与他相关联的实在变元或者是调用程序之存在的哑变元,或者根本不是调用程序的哑变元
引用: ”数据对象引用”是程序执行期间需要其值的数据对象名或数据对象命名符的出现.
变量: 有名变量是标量或有自己名的数组对象.无名变量是数组元素, 数组段, 结构成分或字符串
34.Objected-based logical models are used for describing data at the conceptual and view levels. They are very close to human logic. Many different models are available to describe object-based logic models. The most important among them are semantic data model and entity-relationship model. Semantic data model provides a facility for expressing meaning about the data in the database. The Entity-Relationship model (E-R model) is based on a perception of a real world which consists of a collection of objects called entities and relationships among these objects. An entity is an object, which can be uniquely distinguished from other objects.
Record-based logical models define the overall logical structure of the database as well as higher level description of its implementation.
Physical data models are used to describe data at the lowest level.
基于对象的逻辑模型用于描述概念层与视图层的数据. 它们非常接近于人的逻辑. 很多不同的模型可用来描述基于对象的逻辑模型, 其中最重要的是语义数据模型和实体关系模型. 语义数据模型提供了表达数据库中数据之意义的设施. 实体关系模型(E-R模型)是基于这样的认识: 现实世界是由一组称为实体的对象和这些对象之间的关系组成的. 实体是对象, 它能与其他对象唯一地区别开.
1. Linux是不是像Windows那样太大以及需要系统资源太多,以致于不能满足嵌入式系统的约束要求呢?与Windows不同,Linux本来就是模块化的,并且能够很容易缩减成紧缩配置,这种配置几乎与DOS差不多大,甚至能放到一张软盘上。此外,因为Linux源码是免费可用的,所以可以按照独特的嵌入式系统要求改编该操作系统。
Is Linux , like Windows , too large and demanding of system resources to fit the constraints of embedded system? Unlike Windows , Linux is inherently modular and can be easily scaled into compact configurations ,barely larger than DOS ,that can even fit on a single floppy. What’s more, since Linux source code id freely available, it’s possible to customize the OS according to unique embedded system requirements.
It’s not surprising, then, that open source Linux has created a new OS development and support paradigm wherein thousands of developers continually contribute to a constantly evolving Linux code base. In addition, dozens of Linux-oriented software companies have sprung up eager to support the needs of developers building a wide range of applications, ranging from factory to intelligent appliances.
2. 对许多嵌入式系统,为了适应诸如RAM、固态盘、处理机速度,以及功耗的约束,嵌入的Linux的主要任务是,使系统所需的资源最小。嵌入式操作可能需要从一个芯片盘或紧凑闪存固态盘上自举;或者自举和运行在没有显示器和键盘的环境,或经由以太网连接,从远程设备装入应用程序。
For many embedded systems , the main challenge in embedding Linux is to minimize system resource requirements in order to fit within constraints such as ,RAM solid state disk(SSD), processor speed, and power consumption . Embedded operation may require booting from a DiskOnChip or CompactFlash SSD ; or booting and running without a display and keyboard ; or loading the application from a remote device via an Ethernet LAN connection. 
There are many resources of ready-made small foot-print Linux. Included among these are a growing number of application-oriented Linux configurations and distributions that are tuned to specific applications. Some examples are routers, firewalls ,internet/network appliances ,network servers ,gateways ,etc. 
You may also opt to create your own flavor of embedded Linux ,starting from a standard distribution and leaving out modules you don’t need. Even so ,you should consider jump-starting your efforts by beginning with someone else’s working configuration ,since the source code of their version will be available for that purpose . Best of all ,this sort of building on the efforts of others in the Linux community is not only completely legal but also encouraged!
A long tem goal could be to develop interactive program transformation systems that assist programmers in parallelizing programs and provide feedback and guidance. The problem with this idea is that the approach of semiautomatic program transformations is still an object of active research, even for sequential programs. In the medium terms, a production-quality transformer for deriving realistic, parallel programs is unlikely to appear. The traditional method of teaching algorithms is likely to be more successful, especially since the body of known parallel algorithms is large and growing rapidly. Initial indications seem to be that writing parallel software is not significantly harder than writing sequential software, provided the languages and support tools are adequate.

1. How many basic units do today's digital computers consist of?   
   A. 4          B .5       C. 6       D. 7
2. Which of the following doesn't belong to the basic unit of a digital computer?    
   A. memory  B. operating system   C. ALU       D. CPU
3. Which of the following reads the data and the computing instructions into the computer and prints out the results? 
  A. operating system    B .Special software    C. memory   D. input/output unit
4. What two parts does the CPU of a computer include? 
 A. the ALU and system clock        B. the ALU and the controller
 C. the ALU and memory            D. the ALU and the input/out devices
5. What are the two major gauges used to access the performance of a CPU? 
 A. the word length and the memory       B. the width of the bus and the memory
 C. the word length and the system clock    D. the width of the bus and the word length
6. Which of the following doesn't belong to the internal memory of a computer?  
 A. the virtual memory   B. the hard disk   C. the buffer   D. the ROM
7. The quality of the computer display depends on which of the following? 
 A. the resolution of a CRT  B. the price of a CRT  C. the material of a CRT   D. the size of a CRT
8. LCD is based on which of the following? 
 A. CRT     B. CPU     C. TFT    D. monitor
9. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of a LCD? 
  A. space-sensitiveness   B .weight   C. fewer rays  D. price
10. Which of the following does NOT belong to computer softcopy output? 
  A. audio     B. video   C. data on paper  D. data on a CRT
11. Which of the following is NOT one of the most commonly used storage devices? 
  A. a U-disk     B. a hard disk   C. a floppy disk    D. a disk drive
12. Which of the following prevents floppies from getting hot? 
   A. capacity and price   B. price and material  C. capacity and speed  D. speed and material
13. Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of a hard disk? 
  A. speed     B. portability    C. material    D. capacity
14. Which of the following does NOT belong to a hard disk drive? 
  A. internal disk drive    B. external disk drive   C. removable disk drive   D. CD drive
15. Which of the following does NOT belong to application software? 
  A. word processor   B. electronic spreadsheet  C. graphic program    D. Backup program
16. Where is the application software stored on? 
  A. RAM    B. hard disk    C. ROM      D. buffer
17. Which of the following is the most important type of system software? 
  A. system utility    B. language compiler   C. anti-virus program   D. operating system
18. Where is the operating system loaded when a computer is powered on? 
   A. buffer        B. RAM    C. ROM      D. hard disk
19. Which of the following feature of a word processor allows users to locate a particular word or phrase?
   A. word searching   B. grammar checking   C. word counting   D. spell checking
20. Which of the following is NOT the real strength of a word processor?
  A. storing data    B. changing data   C. retrieving data    D. compiling data
21. Which of the following feature of a word processor becomes more useful with the growth of the amount of text?
A. wording searching    B. grammar checking   C. word counting   D. spell checking
22. Which of the following feature of a word processor can show underline, bold, italic, font and other typing styles on the screen?
23. Which of the following does NOT belong to hidden characters or commands?
        A. retrieval     B. spaces   C. returns    D. paragraph endings
24. Before typing in any data, a user needs to        .
   A. edit the cell   B .save the cell   C. select the cell  D. change the cell
25. Each cell of a worksheet can hold_______.
  A. one piece of data   B. two pieces of data  C. three pieces of data  D. four pieces of data
26. Where is the Entry Bar of a worksheet?
  A. below the icons of the worksheet   B. above the icons of the worksheet
  C. at the left of the icons of the worksheet       D. at the right of the icons of the worksheet
27. All functions in spreadsheets start with ________.
  A. a dollar sign    B. an equal sign  C. question mark   D. star
28. Which of the following can NOT be created by spreadsheets?
  A. bar chart    B. start chart   C. three-dimensional chart    D. pie chart
29. Which of the following message can be sent by E-mail without an attachment? 
  A. text message    B. graphical message  C. audio message   D. video message
30. Which of the following can be applied for an E-mail message without an attachment? 
  A. bold     B. underline   C. italics     D. none
31. Which of the following does NOT belong to one of the E-mail advantages? 
  A. instantaneousness  B. efficiency   C. group sending feature  D. none
32. A private network-based E-mail system is not for ________.
  A. corporate users    B. home users  C. school users   D. hospital users
33. An E-mail server can be considered as a _________.
 A. powerful operating system   B. high-duty database system
 C. high-configuration computer  D. practical Internet application
34. Which of the following is called a searching engine?
 A. Web server    B. Web browser   C. Web site    D. Web address
35. Which of the following is NOT an Internet application?
 A. IRC      B. audio chatting   C. file compiling    D. video chatting
36. To start an online chatting, a user needs to know________.
  A. the software name of an IRC client   B. the Web service provider of an IRC client
  C. the program name of an IRC client    D. the Web address of an IRC client
37.  Once a user starts an IRC client, the server on the IRC service provider side will provide the user a________.
   A. channel      B. server   C. hardware  D. program
38. What does the WWW stand for? 
   A. World Wide Web  B. World Wide Work  C. World Wide Watch   D. World Wide Wave
39. Which of the following is the primary function of the WWW? 
    A. accessing resources B. sending and receiving E-mails
   C. IRC  D. Video conferencing
40. Which of the following is NOT supported by the WWW? 
   A. Gopher    B. FTP   C. Usenet    D. File compiling
41. To accommodate a binary number, which of the following of a computer doesn't have more digits than those for decimal numbers do? 
  A register       B. bus    C. port      D. keyboard
42. Which of the following unit provides signals to start the operations in the ALU, the memory and the input/output unit? 
 A. logical unit   B. arithmetic unit  C. input/output unit     D. control unit
43. What does IC stand for? 
A. Intelligent Card    B. Intelligent Circuit  C. Integrated Card       D. Integrated Circuit
44. How many the most influential components does a computer system configuration include? 
   A. 3       B. 4      C. 5          D. 6
45. Which of the following does NOT belong to one of the most influential components of a computer system configuration? 
   A. the memory      B. the operating system
   C. the input/output devices       D. the storage devices
46. Which of the following memory will lose the data stored in it when the power is gone or a malfunction occurs? 
A. the ROM   B. the virtual memory    
C. the RAM           D. the buffer
47. The permanently useful data is stored in which of the following
    A. the ROM  B. the virtual memory    C. the RAM       D. the buffer
48. Which of the following does NOT belong to a computer hardcopy output? 
    A. a graph        B. a photo     C. a text files       D. voice
49. Which of the following does NOT belong to a computer hardcopy output device? 
    A. a plotter       B. a monitor  C. an ink-jet printer    D. a laser printer
50. Which of the following belongs to an impact computer hardcopy output device? 
    A. a plotter       B. an ink-jet printer    C. a laser printer    D. monitor
51. Which of the following is the major advantage of a DVD-ROM over a CD-ROM? 
    A. portability     B. price     C. material      D. capacity
52. Which of the following is the major advantage of a CD-R or a CD-RW over a CD-ROM or a DVD-ROM? 
     A. speed     B. price       C. material       D. writing data
53. Which of the following is the major advantage of a U-disk over a hard disk? 
     A. speed     B. price    C. easy to carry         D. writing data
54. Which of the following is NOT one of the most commonly used software-relevant terminologies? 
     A. data      B. program     C. operating system     D. application software
55. Which of the following is the most fundamental concept of computer software? 
     A. operating system   B. program  C. application software    D. system software
56. What is a computer program? 
     A. a set of operations and tasks          B. a set of operations and data
     C. a set of tasks and data               D. a set of instructions
57. Which of the following does NOT belong to computer system software? 
     A. operating system            B. system utility
     C. word processing program     D. language compiler
58. Which function of a word processor can ensure typing correctness?
     A. hidden commands  B. typeface    C. spell checking          D. space
59. What do users need to do with the spell-checked files to ensure their correctness?
     A. proof check  B. proofread    C. through check    D. double-check
60. Which of the following is NOT one of a word processor's functions?
     A. spell-checking typed text     B. grammar checking typed text
     C. compiling typed text         D. counting typed text
61. Which function of a word processor gives users another chance to consider what they have written?
     A. spell-checking   B. word counting    C. grammar checking    D. word locating
62. What can users do with vertical and horizontal rolling strips? 
     A. view a spreadsheet      B. change a spreadsheet
     C. edit a spreadsheet       D. store a spreadsheet
63. Where are the vertical and horizontal rolling strips? 
     A. left and bottom of a worksheet       B. left and top of a worksheet
     C. right and bottom of a worksheet      D. right and top of a worksheet
64. What does a worksheet mean? 
     A. a working area framed by vertical and horizontal rolling strips    B. an EXCEL program
     C. EXCEL software        D. a working area framed by letters and numbers
65. The intersection of each row and column in a worksheet is called_____.  
     A. corner     B. working area      C. working element        D. cell
66. Which of the following does a user need to get first before he/she can start exchanging messages? 
     A. an E-mail account   B. Internet access   C. Web server    D. Web site
67.  Who is responsible for setting up E-mail accounts? 
     A. office admin  B. network admin   C. office manager D. network manager
68.  Where do Internet users get their E-mail accounts? 
     A. network manager  B. network supervisor    C. ISP  D. E-mail server
69.  Normally, how long does a user need to wait until his/her E-mail account is ready if he/she applies for it from an ISP ? 
    A. no time       B. one hour   C. one day        D. one week
70. Which of the following is for modem Internet connection? 
    A. 56K    B. 128K   C. 1.54M      D. 45M
71. Which of the following is for home Internet connections? 
    A. modem and ADSL  B. T1 and modem   C. T1 and ADSL   D. T1 and T3
72. Which of the following is primarily for enterprise Internet connections? 
   A. modem and ADSL     B. T1 and modem   C. T1 and ADSL   D. T1 and T3
73. Which of the following allows the TCP/IP to work with user's modem or ADSL adapter? 
   A. PPP drive    B. PPP server  C. PPP driver  D. PPP operating system
74. The WWW is based on which of the following standards? 
   A. computer-computer model  B. client-server model
   C. computer-network model D. user-computer model
75. What does the HTML stand for? 
    A. Hypertext Making Language  B. Hypertext Making Links
    C. Hypertext Markup Language  D. Hypertext Markup Links
76.  Which of the following allows users to jump from one document to another? 
    A. HTTP       B. WWW   C. HTML    D. Web server
77.  Which of the following is responsible for how to extract the documents from Web servers? 
   A. HTTP     B. WWW   C. HTML     D. Web server
78. Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of a hard disk? 
  A. speed     B. portability   C. material    D. capacity
79. Which of the following stores the intermediate results of computation? 
   A. register   B. memory   C. bus  D. input/output unit
80. Which of the following is the smallest unit in a binary system? 
   A. bit      B. byte    C. word      D. 0
81. Which of the following is needed to store 1 or 0 ?  
     A. “write" current   B.  "write" voltage  C. “write" control unit  D. "write" register
82. Which of the following memory is the most powerful one? 
   A. None      B. ROM   C. PROM    D. EPROM
83. When a CPU needs the data to operate, it goes where first? 
    A. the buffer  B. the RAM    C. the ROM  D. the virtual memory
84. Which of the following is an extension of the RAM?
  A. the buffer    B. the RAM    C. the ROM  D. the virtual memory
85. Which of the following is NOT a computer input\output device? 
 A. keyboard B. scanner    C. printer  D. CPU
86. Which of the following is NOT available in the current marker? 
 A. 101-key keyboard  B. 104-key keyboard   C. 107-key keyboard D. ll0-key keyboard

87. Which of the following cannot be scanned by a scanner? 
  A. a disk    B. a file    C. a graph   D. a photo
88. Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of optical disks over removable disks? 
         A. A removable disk is inconvenient to remove from a computer.
         B. A removable disk is inconvenient to attach to a computer.
         C. The data stored on a removable disk can be damaged when
            it is transported through metal detectors.
         D. The spinning speed of a removable disk is slow.
89. Which of the following is the most commonly used optical disk? 
   A. DVD-ROM      B. CD-ROM   C. CD-R      D. C D-RW
90. When memory is               .its contents are changed.    
   A. written  B. accessed     C. read   D. it's always changed
91. Which of the following does NOT belong to a computer hardcopy output? 
   A. a graph     B. a photo   C. a text file  D. voice
92. Which of the following does NOT belong to a computer hardcopy output device?  
   A. a plotter   B. a monitor   C. an ink-jet printer D. a laser printer
93. How many the most influential components does a computer system configuration include? 
   A. 3         B. 4    C. 5      D. 6
94. Which of the following is the major advantage of a U-disk over an optical disk? 
   A. material    B. price    C. easy to carry   D. easy to read and write data
95. Which of the following does NOT belong to system utility? 
  A. Backup program   B. Disk Cleanup program C. operating system  D. anti-virus program
96. System software functions as an interface medium between_______. 
  A. hardware and application software   B. hardware and system utilities
  C. software and operating system    D. hardware and operating system
97. Which of the following does NOT belong to typefaces or format characteristics? 
  A. margins      B. indent     C. double-space    D. space
98. How many rows and columns are there in a single spreadsheet? 
  A. 65533 and 253   B. 65534 and 254   C. 65535 arid 255  D. 65536 and 256
99.  Which of the following must be unique for E-mail applications? 
  A. password    B. ISP's name   C. E-mail server's name   D. user name
100. A protocol is a set of _________. 
   A. drives    B. servers    C. drivers     D. regulations
101. A Web browser is a piece of ___________. 
  A. data       B. software   C. driver     D. regulations
102. Which of the following is responsible for presenting the accessed documents to the users? 
 A. Web browser  B. Web server   C. Web site   D. Web address
103. What does HTTP stand for? 
  A. Hypertext Translation Protocol   B. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  C. Hypertext Transportation Protocol    D. Hypertext Transmission Protocol
104. Which of the following allows Web servers and browsers to extract hypermedia documents? 
   A. HTML    B. WWW    C. HTTP   D. Internet
105. Each cell of a worksheet can hold _________.
   A. one piece of data  B. two pieces of data  C. three pieces of data D. four pieces of data
106. All functions in spreadsheets start with ___________.
 A. a dollar sign  B. an equal sign   C. question mark  D. star
107. An E-mail server can be considered as a__________ .
 A. powerful operating system     B. high-duty database system
 C. high-configuration computer   D. practical Internet application
108.  Who is responsible for setting up E-mail accounts? 
 A. office admin   B. network admin   C. office manager  D. network manager
109.  Where do Internet users get their E-mail accounts? 
A. network manager   B. network supervisor   C. ISP  D. E-mail server
110.  Normally, how long does a user need to wait until his/her E-mail account is ready if he/she applies for it from an ISP ? 
A. no time    B. one hour    C. one day    D. one week
111. Which of the following is NOT one of the most commonly used software-relevant terminologies?  
 A. data   B. program    C. operating system   D. application software
112. A computer processes __________ into_______.
 A. information/data  B. data/information   C. facts/data   D. information/facts
113. Data flow into the computer as    .
A. output     B. a program   C. a process     D. input
114. Information flows from a computer as _________.
A. output     B. memory       C. a program    D. input
115. The ________distinguishes a computer from a calculator. 
 A. processor   B. stored program   C. memory     D. output
116. Data and program instructions are stored in ________ .
  A. the processor     B. an output device   C. the stored program    D. memory
117. The computer component that actually manipulates the data is_____.
  A. main memory     B. an input device      C. the processor      D. an output device
118. The physical components of a computer are collectively called_____.   
  A. peripherals     B. software        C. boards         D. hardware
119. Programs are known collectively as_________. 
  A . secondary storage   B . software     C . stored programs    D . hardware
120. A physical switch is             ; its setting is      . 
   A. software/hardware    B. hardware/software  C. hardware/data     D. data/information
121. A _________ holds enough bits to store a single character.    
     A. word          B. byte           C. bit            D. chip
122. A __________is a group of _________  
  A. bit/bytes      B. byte/words    C. word/bytes    D. character/bytes
123. The " digit-times-place-value "rule work, with      but not with____.   
   A. numbers/ characters  B. bits/bytes   C. bytes/words     D. characters/numbers
124. A location in memory is accessed by its_________. 
   A. address        B. value          C. content        D. register
125. When memory is              .its contents are not changed. 
   A. written          B. accessed       C. read     D. it's always changed
126. The programmer can read and write              .  
     A. ROM      B. RAM         C. words      D. bytes
127. What type of memory can only be read? 
     A. registers        B. ROM          C. RAM          D. words
128. The processor fetches and executes________. 
     A. clock pulses      B. data     C. instructions      D. information
129. The part of an instruction that tells the processor what to do is the _____.
     A. operand      B. pulse   C .statement     D. operation code
130. The processor's, components are synchronized by_______.   
A. instructions    B. data    C. information   D. clock pulses
131. Which processor component executes instructions?  
A. instruction register      B. instruction control unit   
C. arithmetic and logic unit  D. main memory
132. The basic input device on a small computer is a _______ .
   A. display screen       B. printer        C. keyboard   D. card reader
133. The basic output device on a small computer is a_______ .
   A. keyboard        B. display screen         C. diskette         D. plotter
134. A             generates hard- copy output.   
   A. display unit     B. screen      C. monitor       D. printer
135. A display screen is divided into a grid of ________.     
   A. bytes             B. bits     C. pixels             D. words
136. External devices are linked to a small computer system through____.   
   A. channels         B. control units               C. plugs     D. interfaces
137. The               translates between the computer's internal codes and a peripheral device's external codes.   
A. processor      B. interface      
C. memory       D. register
138. A               terminal communicates with a distant computer over data transmission lines.  
  A. remote              B. display           C. printing             D. local
139. The interference that distorts electronic signals transmitted over a distance is called______.   
   A. static          B. interference              C. noise          D. a spike
140.              network can be worldwide.  
  A. Wide area    B. Metropolitan area       C. Local area   D. Campus area
141.              networks usually span tens of kilometers.   
  A. Wide area     B. Metropolitan area     C. Local area     D. Ethernet
142. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)reference model is based on a proposal developed by_________.  
  A. ANSI        B. IEEE        C. IAB       D. ISO
143.        is concerned with controlling the operation of the subnet.  
  A. The transport layer  B. The network layer  C. The application layer  D. The data link layer
144.      is concerned with transmitting raw bits over a communication channel.  
   A. The physical layer  B. The presentation layer    C. The network layer  D. The data link layer
145. The main task of              is to transform a raw transmission facility into a line that appears free of undetected transmission errors to the network layer.  
   A. The physical layer   B. The session layer   C. The network layer  D. The data link layer
146.                 allows users on different machines to establish sessions between them. 
   A. The physical layer  B. The session layer   C. The network layer  D. The data link layer
147. The _________ serves as a hardware/software interface. 
A. system   B.  Application program   C control unit    D. operating system
148. The source of a computer’s logic is __________.   
A. hardware  B. software     C. data      D. the user
149. A disk drive is limited to a few_______.  
    A. tasks     B. program functions     C. primitive operations   D. I/O operations
150. Programmers write ________code.  
A. object           B. source    C. machine-level     D. load module
Passage 1:
A database system gives us a way of   1   together specific pieces or lists of   2    that are relevant to us in our jobs or our lives. It also provides a way to   3  and maintain that information in a central place. The first commercial computers were really   4  more than dedicated database machine used to gather, sort and report on census information. To this day, one of the most common reasons for purchasing a computer is to   5   a database system.
1: (A) gather      (B) gathering     (C)get       (D) getting
2: (A) data         (B) information     (C) mail  (D) message
3: (A) build        (B) copy         (C) remember   (D) store 
4: (A) anything     (B) nothing        (C) something   (D) thing
5: (A) find       (B) load         (C) run      (D) install
Passage II.
Toolboxes and menus in many application programs were  6   for working with the mouse. The mouse controls a pointer on the screen. You move the pointer by  7 the mouse over a flat surface in the direction you want the pointer to move. If you run out of  8   to move the mouse, lift it up and put it down again. The pointer moves only when the mouse is   9   the flat surface. Moving the mouse pointer across the screen does not affect the document, the pointer simply   10   a location on the screen. When you press the mouse button, something happens at the location of the pointer.
6:(A) assigned (B) designed  (C) desired  (D) expressed
7:(A) putting      (B) sliding  (C)serving    (D) taking
8:  (A) board     (B) place       (C) room        (D) table
9:(A) getting    (B) going      (C) teaching    (D) touching
10: (A) constructs (B) indicates   (C) instructs   (D) processes
The boot is to  11   automatic routine that clears the memory,  loads the operating system, and prepares the computer for   12    Included in the computer's read-only memory (ROM is the power-on-self-test, which   13  when the power is switched on (a cold hoot.
    After a system   14  or lockup occurs, you usually must boot the computer again, or reboot, by  15  the Reset button or Ctrl + Alt + Del (a warm boot).
11: (A) clear    (B) initiate     (C) insert  (D) push
 12: (A) create     (B) handle  (C)use  (D) route    
13:(A)executes  (B)exits     (C)loads  (D)reads
14: (A) communicate   (B) crash   (C) create  (D) handle
15: (A) pressing (B) pulling   (C)seeing (D)writing
[答案]11: (B)    12: (C) 13: (A) 14:(B) 15: (A)
Perhaps you have been asking the questions: Is everyone moving to  16   ? If I don't step to the  17   user interface, will I be left all along at the cold    18  command line?
     Don't throw away your 19  . No one is   20  DOS's death knell yet. DOS and its applications people have using for years are not going to stop working overnight.
16: (A) DOS     (B) UNIX     (C) Windows      (D) Windows NT
17: (A) graphical  (B) software  (C) command line  (D) Windows NT    
18: (A) DOS     (B) UNIX     (C) Windows      (D) Windows NT
19: (A)hardware     (B) text     (C) Windows      (D) software
20: (A) software     (B) hardware     (C) sounding      (D) text
   “have been +现在分词”是现在完成进行时,表示动作从过去到现在一直在进行之中。Windows采用GUI(图形用户界面)是个热点,相比之下,DOS命令行就有一种冷冰冰的感觉。death knell 丧钟。“people have been using for years”是定语从句,修饰前面的“DOS and its applications”.
[答案]16:(C)    17:(A)    18:(A)  19:(D)    20:(C)  
   Passage Ⅴ
The computer itself does not do all the work on its own. The work is done by a 21of the computer, called hardware, and 22 of instructions, called software or computer programs. Inside the machine, the instructions are 23 and carded out to do the work you want to do. A computer without software is nothing more than a mass of metal and plastic. On the other hand, software without a computer is simply wasted    24  because only the computer can use the software and put it to work. When you talk about a computer's being able to do this or that, you are really referring  to the  25 that accepts your commands and the computer that carries them out.
21: (A)memory   (B)chip    (C) combination    (D) wire
22: (A) programs   (B) procedures   (C) sets   (D) subroutines
23: (A) Composed   (B) explained   (C) interpreted   (D) organized
24: (A) disk   (B) file    (C) tape    (C) potential
25: (A) editor   (B) hardware    (C) keyboard    (C) software
Passage Ⅴ
答案 21:(C)  22:(C) 23:(C)  24:(D)  25:(D)

Passage Ⅵ:
Computer are designed to manipulate   26   in the form of data.We give   27    and meaning to the data,we put into our computes through the use of data    28   which contain numbers,
    29    or both These data files are accessed by familiar applications such as spreadsheets,Word processing programs,and   30  .
26:A. files   B. information C. text D. word
27:A. structure   B. type   C. bone   D. memory
28:A.format   B. memory     C. printer D. files
29:A.text   B. type     C. word     D. files
30:A.disk   B. database C. software D. stores
Passage Ⅵ
[答案] 26:B    27:A   28:D    29:A    30:B
Mark the following sentences with T ( true) or F (false) according to the dialogue
1. The smallest unit of the memory is the magnetic cell. 
2. Magnetic cells use the "write" and "read" currents with same direction to store and retrieve data. 
3. The most influential component of a computer system configuration is the memory. 
4. The system clock is the brain of a computer.  
5. Both ink-jet and laser printers are non-impact printers; they are based on the same principle. 
6. Ink-jet printers have pins in their printing heads to form dots to produce printed results. 
7. A plotter is the popular hardcopy output device commonly used in the education sector. 
8. Word processors ease much of tedium associated typing, proofing. and manipulating words. 
9. The real strength of a word processor is its ability to store, retrieve , and change data. 
10. The implementation of the WWW is based on a standard client-server model. 
11. All Von Neumann type digital computers consist of the input/output unit, the arithmetic unit, networking unit, the control unit and the memory. 
12. A scanner belongs to the input/output device. 
13. A binary number needs more computer resource to accommodate than a decimal number. 
14. The operations on decimal numbers are much easier and need much less time than in a binary system. 
15. HTML is so important to the WWW that it is recognized every where on the WWW. 
16. The Web server is the only component of the WWW that is able to read the HTML. 
17.  E-mail is a method of sending and receiving messages on the Internet.  
18. Generally speaking, most of E-mail systems do allow text formatting. 
19. Users have to attach word-formatted texts to their E-mail messages if they have to send word-formatted texts. 
20. Instantaneousness and high efficiency are major advantages of the E-mail application.  
21. There are three major indexes to access the performance of a CPU.
22. Both the user names and the passwords are case-sensitive for E-mail accounts. 
23. A scanner is the input device used everywhere. 
24. There are four major keyboards available in the market. 
25. Voice recognition devices are also input devices. 
26. To format a floppy disk means that magnetic areas are developed for each track and sector for data storage. 
27. Capacity limitation and product material are major drawbacks that prevent floppies from getting popular. 
28. Hard disks and floppies operate in different ways. 
29. Users can share resources at the same time, even if they are located at opposite ends of the world. 
30. The WWW is a centralized multimedia and hypertext system for people to communicate and share information. 
31. Both the user names and the passwords must be unique for E-mail accounts. 
32. The word length is one of the important gauges to access the performance of a CPU.
33. An Internet E-mail user must reconfigure his/her computer to exchange messages with private network E-mail users. 
34. A buffer's capacity is low and price is high, and it runs as fast as a RAM.
35. A CPU is able to make use of the extra space of a hard disk as the virtual memory. 
36. The hard disk and the ROM of a computer swap sections of instructions and data when necessary. 
答案:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.T 9.T 10.T 11.F  12.T  13.T  14.F  15.F  16.F  17.F  18.F  19.T  20.T  21.F 22.T 23.F 24.F 25.T 26.T 27.F 28.F 29.T 30.F  31.F 32.T 33.F 34.F 35.F 36.F 

Match the following two columns
1. Computer software    A. provides support for application software.
2. System utilities       B refers to Microsoft Disk Operating System.
3. System software      C is a set of computer programs.
4. Operating systems     D. has been widely used in CAD programs.
5. MS-DOS            E. are more suitable for PC users.
6. The Unix     F. can be understood as system

7. The Linux          G. are truly powerful enterprise-level computing tools.
8. The Unix and Linux   H. is the first Windows operating system
                        in a real sense.
9. MS Windows        I. has been adopted for Internet servers.
10. Windows 95       J. are preloaded onto computers by computer makers.
11. The storage device          A. sends out pulses regularly.
12. A CPU includes            B. faster than a RAM.
13. The wide of the bus         C. the ALU and the controller.
14. The system clock           D. is used to read and write data.
15. ROM     E. belongs to the system configuration of a computer.
16. A buffer runs      F. the buffer first when it needs data      to operate.
17. A CPU searches     G. exchange sections of datawhen      necessary.
18. A hard disk and a RAM      H. is the extension of the RAM.
19. A RAM                   I. is able to keep the data stored in
                               it when the power is gone.
20. The virtual memory         J. is also called the "word length".
21. The surface of a floppy      A. are both fixed hard drives.
22. To format a floppy          B. can't be changed.
23. Hard disks                C. allow data to be stored on cartridges.
24. Internal and external drives   D. are rewritable and can be used
                              for backups.
25. Removable hard drives       E. can be plugged into USB ports
26. The data stored onto a        F. can read and write data with
   DVD-ROM                  U-disks as need.
27. CD-R recorders           G. is divided into concentric circles.
28. MO disks     H. are made of hard metal and can store a lot of data.
29. U-disks                  I. means that magnetic areas are created.
30. Users                   J. are used to duplicate CDs
31. The WWW               A. is the primary function of the WWW.
32. Providing access to Internet  B. just takes care of how to resources
                             extract the documents.
33  The Web browser          C. stands for Hypertext Transfer
34  The client-server model     D. is used to locate Internet
35  HTML                  E. is for Internet resource access.
36  A Web server             F. are Internet applications.
37  HTTP                   G. are stored on Web servers.
38  URL                    H. is used to display the data
                            stored on the Internet.
39  IRC, E-mail, FTP          I. is used to write Web pages.
40.  Internet resources        J. is the major task of the WWW.
41. Computer software     A. provides support for application software.
42. System software       B. has been widely used in CAD programs.
43. MS Windows         C is a set of computer programs.
44. The Unix             D. is used to read and write data.
45. The Linux            E. are more suitable for PC users
46. The storage device     F. has been adopted for Internet servers.
47. ROM                G. faster than a RAM.
48. A buffer runs          H. is the extension of the RAM.
49. A RAM              I. is able to keep the data stored in it when the power is gone
50.The virtual memory    J. belongs to the system configuration of a computer.
 51. The surface of a floppy    A. is for Internet resource access.
52. To format a floppy        B. is used to display the data
53. Hard disks              C. stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
54. U-disks                D. is used to locate Internet resources.
55. Removable hard drives    E. can be plugged into USB ports anytime.
56. The WWW             F. allow data to be stored on cartridges.
57. The Web browser        G. is divided into concentric circles.
58. HTML                H. are made of hard metal and can store a lot of data.
59. HTTP                 I. is used to write Web pages.
60. URL                 J. means that magnetic areas are created.

答案:1.C  2.F  3.A  4.J  5.B  6.D  7.I  8.G  9.E  10.H  11-E  12-C  13-J  14-A  15-I  16-B  17-F  18-G  19-D 20-H  21-G  22-I  23-H  24-A  25-C  26-B  27-J  28-D  29-E  30-F  3I-E 32-A 33-H 34-J 35-I 36-B 37-C 38-D 39-F  40-G   41-C  42-A  43-E  44-B  45-F  46-J  47-I  48-G  49-D  50-H 51-G  52-J  53-H  54-E  55-F  56-A  57-B  58-I  59-C  60-D
1.Internet resource access is the primary function of the World Wide Web.
2.The WWW can be described as an internet application platform.
3. User must get their E-mail systems setup first before they can use them.
4.MS-DOS is a command line interface-based operating system.
4. MS-DOS 是命令行界面型操作系统。
5.We have the input/output and store devices to go.
5. 我们还有输入/输出设备和存储设备有待讨论。
6.Operating system is the most important type of computer system software.
7.A user needs to select the cell where date goes first and then type in the date.
8. With E-mail services, computer users can receive and send messages in a pretty convenient way.
9.万维网提供Gopher、FTP、Usenet和Web sites 等访问互联网资源的途径。
9. Gopher, FTP, Usenet and Web sites are the ways the WWW offers to access the resources located on the Internet.
10 A user can’t start receiving and sending messages without an E-mail account.
11. Internet resource access is the primary function of the World Wide Web.
12.The WWW can be described as an internet application platform.
13. 用户必须在电子邮件系统设置完毕后才能使用这些系统。
13. User must get their E-mail systems setup first before they can use them.
14. MS-DOS 是命令行界面型操作系统。
14.MS-DOS is a command line interface-based operating system.
15. 我们还有输入/输出设备和存储设备有待讨论。
15.We have the input/output and store devices to go.
16. Gopher, FTP, Usenet and Web sites are the ways the WWW offers to access the resources located on the Internet.
16. 万维网提供Gopher、FTP、Usenet和Web sites 等访问互联网资源的途径。
17. With E-mail services, computer users can receive and send messages in a pretty convenient way.
17. 有了电子邮件系统,计算机用户就能方便的收发信息。
18. A user can’t start receiving and sending messages without an E-mail account.
18. 没有电子邮件账户用户无法开始收发信息。
19. A user needs to select the cell where date goes first and then type in the date.
19. 用户得先选择输入数据的单元然后输入数据。
20.Operating system is the most important type of computer system software.
20. 操作系统是最重要的计算机系统软件。
21.System software runs as an interface between computer hardware and application software.
22.When started by users, application software is loaded into the RAM of a computer. 
23.Operating system is the most important type of computer system software.
24.The internet makes our life more colorful.
25.A computer is composed of a hardware system and a software system.
26.All computer-related information can be found on Web sites.
26. 所有电脑相关信息均可以在网上查到。
27.Computer configuration consists of hardware configuration and software configuration.
27. 计算机配置包括硬件配置和软件配置。
28.Please double check the computer and make sure it is powered off.
28. 请检查一下计算机是不是关机了。
29.When a computer is switched on, the operating system is automatically loaded into the RAM.
29. 计算机启动后,操作系统自动载入内存。
30.A computer uses a keyboard to fetch the date and instructions is needs.
30. 计算机用键盘获取所需数据和运算指令。
31.System software runs as an interface between computer hardware and application software.
32.When started by users, application software is loaded into the RAM of a computer.
33.The internet makes our life more colorful.
34.A computer is composed of a hardware system and a software system.
35. 所有电脑相关信息均可以在网上查到。
35.All computer-related information can be found on Web sites.
36. 计算机配置包括硬件配置和软件配置。
36.Computer configuration consists of hardware configuration and software configuration.
37. 请检查一下计算机是不是关机了。
37.Please double check the computer and make sure it is powered off.
38. 计算机启动后,操作系统自动载入内存。
38.When a computer is switched on, the operating system is automatically loaded into the RAM.
39. 计算机用键盘获取所需数据和运算指令。
39.A computer uses a keyboard to fetch the date and instructions is needs.

上一条计算机多媒体技术应用习题参考 05710

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