吉大自考本科计算机专业英语一 07757
发布日期:2014-06-17 点击次数:2271
内容提要:计算机专业英语一 07757
20. An operating system is the software which acts as an interface between a user of a computer and the computer hardware. The purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which a user may execute program.
We can view an operating system as a resource allocator. A computer system has many resources. The operating system acts as the manager of these resources.
21.A computer system has input, output, storage, and processing components.
The processor is the “intelligence” of a computer system. A single computer system may have several processors.
Each processor, sometimes called the central processing unit or CPU, has only two sections.
All programs and data must be transferred to primary storage form an input device before programs can be executed or data can be processed.
一个计算机系统的组成部件有: 输入,输出,存储和处理
22. Many networks exist in the world, often with different hardware and software. People connected to one network often want to communicate with people attached to a different one.
Form the user’s point of view, the Web consists of a vast, worldwide collection of documents.
Every Web site has a server process listening to TCP port 80 for incoming connections from clients. After a connection has been established, the client sends one request and the server sends one reply.
There are hypercube and programming technology now
The time a disk drive head needed to position to nead data
Some object-oriented progamning concepts infil
Internet resource access is the pnmary function of the World wide WEB
THE WWW can be described as an internet application platform
User must get their Email systems setup first before they can use them
Ms-dos is a command line interface based operating system
8.我们输入 输出设备存储来使用
We have the input outpu store devices to go
Is Linux , like Windows , too large and demanding of system resources to fit the constraints of embedded system? Unlike Windows , Linux is inherently modular and can be easily scaled into compact configurations ,barely larger than DOS ,that can even fit on a single floppy. What’s more, since Linux source code id freely available, it’s possible to customize the OS according to unique embedded system requirements.
It’s not surprising, then, that open source Linux has created a new OS development and support paradigm wherein thousands of developers continually contribute to a constantly evolving Linux code base. In addition, dozens of Linux-oriented software companies have sprung up eager to support the needs of developers building a wide range of applications, ranging from factory to intelligent appliances.
For many embedded systems , the main challenge in embedding Linux is to minimize system resource requirements in order to fit within constraints such as ,RAM solid state disk(SSD), processor speed, and power consumption . Embedded operation may require booting from a DiskOnChip or CompactFlash SSD ; or booting and running without a display and keyboard ; or loading the application from a remote device via an Ethernet LAN connection.
There are many resources of ready-made small foot-print Linux. Included among these are a growing number of application-oriented Linux configurations and distributions that are tuned to specific applications. Some examples are routers, firewalls ,internet/network appliances ,network servers ,gateways ,etc.
You may also opt to create your own flavor of embedded Linux ,starting from a standard distribution and leaving out modules you don’t need. Even so ,you should consider jump-starting your efforts by beginning with someone else’s working configuration ,since the source code of their version will be available for that purpose . Best of all ,this sort of building on the efforts of others in the Linux community is not only completely legal but also encouraged!
A long tem goal could be to develop interactive program transformation systems that assist programmers in parallelizing programs and provide feedback and guidance. The problem with this idea is that the approach of semiautomatic program transformations is still an object of active research, even for sequential programs. In the medium terms, a production-quality transformer for deriving realistic, parallel programs is unlikely to appear. The traditional method of teaching algorithms is likely to be more successful, especially since the body of known parallel algorithms is large and growing rapidly. Initial indications seem to be that writing parallel software is not significantly harder than writing sequential software, provided the languages and support tools are adequate.
32.ROM read-only memory
33.VDT Video Display Terminal
34.DOS Disk operating system
35.WAN Wide Area Network
36.LAN Local Area Network
37.IP Internet Protocol
38.ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
39.MMX Multimedia Extensions
40.DNS Domain Name System
41.FTP File Transfer Protocol
42.NC Network Computer
43.CGA color/graphics adpter
44.GUIs Graphic User Interfaces
45.ISP Internet Service Provider
46.DVD Digital Video Disk
47.WWW World Wide Web
48.CPU Central Processing Unit
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