

发布日期:2015-09-26 点击次数:2760

作者:吉大自考网 www.jdzkw.com.cn
关键词:吉大自考 计算机应用软件
报名方式:13620791345 许老师 0431-85690458
计算机应用软件(本科)  专业代码:080762 主考学校:吉林大学 
计算机专业英语(一)(07757)  翻译
1. Internet resource access is the primary function of the World Wide Web.
2.The WWW can be described as an internet application platform.
3. User must get their E-mail systems setup first before they can use them.
4. MS-DOS is a command line interface-based operating system.
 MS-DOS 是命令行界面型操作系统。
5.We have the input/output and store devices to go.
6. Gopher, FTP, Usenet and Web sites are the ways the WWW offers to access the resources located on the Internet
万维网提供Gopher、FTP、Usenet和Web sites 等访问互联网资源的途径
7. With E-mail services, computer users can receive and send messages in a pretty convenient way.
8. A user can’t start receiving and sending messages without an E-mail account.
9. A user needs to select the cell where date goes first and then type in the date.
10.Operating system is the most important type of computer system software.
11、In each of these statements , there is a list of individuals , which is given by the argument list , together with phrases that describe certain relations among or properties of the individuals mentioned in the argument list.
12. Another reason commonly given that languages like Lisp, TCL, and Smalltalk are good for prototyping is that they don’t require you to pin down decisions early on------ these languages are semantically rich. 
13.We have systems which can see well enough to “recognize” objects from photographs , video cameras and other sensors.
14. In the meantime , the lure of a cheaper and easier-to-maintain intranet infrastructure brought about by the use of a relatively standard Web client has many IS managers enthusiastic about using Web browsers. 
15. Work parts are automatically loaded at central locations on to the handling system and are routed to the  proper machine tools. 
16.In each of these statements , there is a list of individuals , which is given by the argument list , together with phrases that describe certain relations among or properties of the individuals mentioned in the argument list.
17. Even though one can argue that all programs exhibit some degree of intelligence , an AI program will go beyond this in demonstrating a high level of intelligence to a degree that equals or exceeds the intelligence required of a human in performing some task.
18.Geographic information systems are one of the fastest growing business applications and later this decade may be as common as word processing software and spreadsheet applications. 
19、Warehouse data is often gathered from sources throughout an enterprise , including different applications , databases , and computer systems , and is likely to be fragmented and inconsistent. 
20. To transport a CAD system running in one operating system to another operating system is not as trivial as recompiling the software. 
21.All users see the same image; thus, other team members view the scene from an incorrect perspective with the resulting distortion depending upon differences in location within the immersive room. 
22.A handheld’s constraints(局限性) mean that it’s usually impossible to directly port a desktop application to a wireless handheld device. For the same reasons, it’s difficult to directly access most Web sites with a handheld device. Web applications are traditionally designed based on the assumption that visitors will have a desktop computer with a large screen and a mouse.
23.A new concept called the Storage Area Network(SAN)(存储区域网络)could offer an answer to the increasing amount of data that needs to be stored in an enterprise network environment. By implementing a SAN, users can offload storage traffic from daily network operations while establishing a direct connection between storage elements and servers.
24. A Storage Area Network(SAN,存储区域网) does not need to be a physically separate network, either. It can be a dedicated sub-network, carrying only the business-critical I/O traffic between servers and storage devices. A SAN, for example, would not carry general-purpose traffic such as e-mail or other end-user applications. This type of net avoids the unacceptable trade-offs inherent in a single network for all applications
25. Plug and Play(即插即用)——basically a set of PC architecture specifications---is an effort by hardware and software vendors to design intelligence into PCs to handle installation and configuration tasks automatically and without user intervention.
With a plug-and-play system, users can install devices into or remove them from a desktop or mobile PC; dock and undock desktop PCs from a network; and optimally configure the system for different applications without modifying configuration parameters or expansion-card jumper settings.
26.IPV6——the next-generation networking protocol——promises to change the way corporate networks and the Internet work.IPv6 (also referred to as IPng or ,simply,v6)will eliminate some of IPv4's shortcomings that have appeared as a result of the global Internet explosion.IPv6 is a much-needed improvement, promising easier-to-obtain IP addresses, cheaper and faster routing, and such features as quality of service(QOS, 服务质量) and encryption(加密).
27. RISC processors, because they are software-programmable, provide the flexibility to adapt to the rapidly evolving data communications market. However, they lack ASIC-level performance because of their generalized(归一化的) architectures. ASICs solve the performance problem but can take 12 to 18 months to develop; require scarce, specialized engineering talent to implement; and have fixed functionality. Modifying an ASIC can cost six to nine months in time-to-market and, even worse, can force forklift upgrades on customers who own equipment based on out-of-date silicon(硅).
28. Hand-held devices(手持设备) are more limited than desktop computers in several important ways. Their screens are small——perhaps a few inches square or able to display only a few lines of text-and they’re often monochrome instead of color. Their input capabilities are limited to a few buttons or numbers, or entering data takes extra time, as happens with a personal digital assistant’s (PDA) handwriting-recognition capabilities. They have less processing power and memory to work with, and their wireless network connections have less bandwidth and are slower than those of computers hard-wired to fast LANs.
29. Digital subscriber line technology comes in a bewildering variety of flavors, but they all have one thing in common——they use various modulation techniques to turn those plodding "last mile" loops of copper between the customer premises and the telco's(电信公司) central office into high-speed data and voice carriers. Most of the focus has been on ADSL(asymmetric digital subscriber line),which delivers rates of 32 Kbps to 8.192 Mbps downstream, and 32 Kbps to 1.088 Mbps upstream to the network, while providing phone service at the same time on the same line. 
30. But even without a new OS, these features can be utilized. Leveraging Windows' driver model, specialty vendors will offer drivers that can fully exploit these integrated features. Thus providing dramatically improved——or arguably, finally usable-video and speech capabilities. Of course, this Pentium-Windows chasm provides an opportunity for other operating system vendors such as Red Hat and Be Inc. That is assuming that they can react like the Microsoft of old.
频与语音功能。当然,这场Pentium-Windows的角逐为其它的操作系统公司,如Red Hat公司和
31. Given the relative quickness of software development, one would think that software solutions would lead the computing agenda for many years. But as software delays have become more profound and commonplace, hardware-featured solutions are beginning to offer better solutions than their software counterparts. And given the improving capabilities of hardware development, hardware vendors will become the clear leader in this race.
32.Video compression is a collection of techniques used to shrink video files. Embodied by products called codecs (compression/decompression), these methods fall into two general categories: interframe and intraframe compression.
Interframe compression uses a system of key and delta frames to eliminate redundant information between frames. Key frames store an entire frame, while delta, or “difference”, frames record only the interframe changes. During decompression, the CPU builds frames from the key frames and accumulated deltas.
Intraframe compression is performed entirely within individual frames. During intraframe compression, codes use a variety of techniques to convert pixels to more compact mathematical formulas. The simplest technique is called run length encoding (RLE), in which rows of adjacent identical pixels are grouped together.
视频图像压缩是一组用来缩小视频图像文件大小的技术. 由被称为Codecs(压缩/解压)产品所体现
的这些方法分为两大类: 帧间压缩和帧内压缩.
帧间压缩利用关键帧和§帧方法来消除帧之间的冗余信息. 关键帧存储一幅完整的帧, 而§帧
或”差异”帧, 仅记录帧间变化. 解压时, CPU从关键帧和累加的§帧来构造各个帧.
帧内压缩是完全在个别的帧内进行的. 在帧内压缩时, Codecs使用各种技术把像素转换成更紧凑的
数学公式. 最简单的技术称作行程长度编码(RLE). 按这种编码法, 各行中相邻的相同像素串归在一起.
33.Block: A sequence of executable statements which is a part of an executable constructor. 
Data object: A variable or a constant.
Data entity: A data object, the result of the evaluation of an expression, or the result of a function reference. 
Definition: A derived type definition defines a derived data type. A subprogram definition defines a user-defined subroutine or function. A variable or a record of an internal file is defined if they have a valid value.
Double precision real: The double precision real type is a special case of the real type.
FORTRAN processor: The computing system consisting of hardware and software by which programs are transformed for use on that system.
Parent object: A subobject is a part of a parent object.
Presence: An optional dummy argument is present if an actual argument is associated with it which either a present dummy argument of the caller is or which is not a dummy argument of the caller.
Reference: A “data object reference” is the appearance of the data object name or data object designator where its value is required during program execution.
Variable: A named variable is a scalar or an array object that has an own name. An unmanned variable is an array element, an array section, a structure component, or a character string.
块(程序块): 可执行语句序列, 它是可执行结构的一部分
数据对象: 变量或常量
数据实体: 数据对象、表达式球值的结果或函数引用的结果
FORTRAN处理器: 由硬件和软件组成的计算系统,程序由此软件变换以供在此系统上使用.
存在: 一个可任选的哑变元是存在的,如果与他相关联的实在变元或者是调用程序之存在的哑变元,
引用: ”数据对象引用”是程序执行期间需要其值的数据对象名或数据对象命名符的出现.
变量: 有名变量是标量或有自己名的数组对象.无名变量是数组元素, 数组段, 结构成分或字符串
34.Objected-based logical models are used for describing data at the conceptual and view levels. They are very close to human logic. Many different models are available to describe object-based logic models. The most important among them are semantic data model and entity-relationship model. Semantic data model provides a facility for expressing meaning about the data in the database. The Entity-Relationship model (E-R model) is based on a perception of a real world which consists of a collection of objects called entities and relationships among these objects. An entity is an object, which can be uniquely distinguished from other objects.
Record-based logical models define the overall logical structure of the database as well as higher level description of its implementation.
Physical data models are used to describe data at the lowest level.
基于对象的逻辑模型用于描述概念层与视图层的数据. 它们非常接近于人的逻辑. 很多不同的模型
可用来描述基于对象的逻辑模型, 其中最重要的是语义数据模型和实体关系模型. 语义数据模型提
供了表达数据库中数据之意义的设施. 实体关系模型(E-R模型)是基于这样的认识: 现实世界是由
一组称为实体的对象和这些对象之间的关系组成的. 实体是对象, 它能与其他对象唯一地区别开
35. Internet resource access is the primary function of the World Wide Web.
37.The WWW can be described as an internet application platform.
39. User must get their E-mail systems setup first before they can use them.
40. 用户必须在电子邮件系统设置完毕后才能使用这些系统。
41.MS-DOS is a command line interface-based operating system.
42. MS-DOS 是命令行界面型操作系统。
43.We have the input/output and store devices to go.
44. 我们还有输入/输出设备和存储设备有待讨论。
46.Operating system is the most important type of computer system software.
A user needs to select the cell where date goes first and then type in the date.
49. With E-mail services, computer users can receive and send messages in a pretty convenient way.
50.万维网提供Gopher、FTP、Usenet和Web sites 等访问互联网资源的途径。
51. Gopher, FTP, Usenet and Web sites are the ways the WWW offers to access the resources located on the Internet.
 A user can’t start receiving and sending messages without an E-mail account.
Internet resource access is the primary function of the World Wide Web.
The WWW can be described as an internet application platform.
55. 用户必须在电子邮件系统设置完毕后才能使用这些系统。
User must get their E-mail systems setup first before they can use them.
56. MS-DOS 是命令行界面型操作系统。
MS-DOS is a command line interface-based operating system.
57 我们还有输入/输出设备和存储设备有待讨论。
We have the input/output and store devices to go.
58. 万维网提供Gopher、FTP、Usenet和Web sites 等访问互联网资源的途径。
With E-mail services, computer users can receive and send messages in a pretty convenient way.
59. 有了电子邮件系统,计算机用户就能方便的收发信息。
A user can’t start receiving and sending messages without an E-mail account.
A user needs to select the cell where date goes first and then type in the date.
61 用户得先选择输入数据的单元然后输入数据。
Operating system is the most important type of computer system software.
System software runs as an interface between computer hardware and application software.
When started by users, application software is loaded into the RAM of a computer. 
Operating system is the most important type of computer system software.
The internet makes our life more colorful.
A computer is composed of a hardware system and a software system.
All computer-related information can be found on Web sites.
Computer configuration consists of hardware configuration and software configuration.
69. 计算机配置包括硬件配置和软件配置。
Please double check the computer and make sure it is powered off.
When a computer is switched on, the operating system is automatically loaded into the RAM.
A computer uses a keyboard to fetch the date and instructions is needs.
System software runs as an interface between computer hardware and application software.
When started by users, application software is loaded into the RAM of a computer.
The internet makes our life more colorful.
A computer is composed of a hardware system and a software system.
All computer-related information can be found on Web sites.
Computer configuration consists of hardware configuration and software configuration.
Please double check the computer and make sure it is powered off.
When a computer is switched on, the operating system is automatically loaded into the RAM.
A computer uses a keyboard to fetch the date and instructions is needs.
1 Linux是不是像Windows那样太大以及需要系统资源太多,以致于不能满足嵌入式系统的约束要求
Is Linux , like Windows , too large and demanding of system resources to fit the constraints of embedded system? Unlike Windows , Linux is inherently modular and can be easily scaled into compact configurations ,barely larger than DOS ,that can even fit on a single floppy. What’s more, since Linux source code id freely available, it’s possible to customize the OS according to unique embedded system requirements.
It’s not surprising, then, that open source Linux has created a new OS development and support paradigm wherein thousands of developers continually contribute to a constantly evolving Linux code base. In addition, dozens of Linux-oriented software companies have sprung up eager to support the needs of developers building a wide range of applications, ranging from factory to intelligent appliances.
2. 对许多嵌入式系统,为了适应诸如RAM、固态盘、处理机速度,以及功耗的约束,嵌入的Linux
For many embedded systems , the main challenge in embedding Linux is to minimize system resource requirements in order to fit within constraints such as ,RAM solid state disk(SSD), processor speed, and power consumption . Embedded operation may require booting from a DiskOnChip or CompactFlash SSD ; or booting and running without a display and keyboard ; or loading the application from a remote device via an Ethernet LAN connection. 
There are many resources of ready-made small foot-print Linux. Included among these are a growing number of application-oriented Linux configurations and distributions that are tuned to specific applications. Some examples are routers, firewalls ,internet/network appliances ,network servers ,gateways ,etc. 
You may also opt to create your own flavor of embedded Linux ,starting from a standard distribution and leaving out modules you don’t need. Even so ,you should consider jump-starting your efforts by beginning with someone else’s working configuration ,since the source code of their version will be available for that purpose . Best of all ,this sort of building on the efforts of others in the Linux community is not only completely legal but also encouraged!
A long tem goal could be to develop interactive program transformation systems that assist programmers in parallelizing programs and provide feedback and guidance. The problem with this idea is that the approach of semiautomatic program transformations is still an object of active research, even for sequential programs. In the medium terms, a production-quality transformer for deriving realistic, parallel programs is unlikely to appear. The traditional method of teaching algorithms is likely to be more successful, especially since the body of known parallel algorithms is large and growing rapidly. Initial indications seem to be that writing parallel software is not significantly harder than writing sequential software, provided the languages and support tools are adequate.

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