
吉大自考本 计算机专业英语(一)

发布日期:2015-09-25 点击次数:2586

作者:吉大自考网 www.jdzkw.com.cn
关键词:吉大自考 计算机应用软件
报名方式:13620791345 许老师 0431-85690458
计算机应用软件(本科)  专业代码:080762 主考学校:吉林大学 
计算机专业英语(一)(07757) 简单题

1. How many layers does the ISO/OSI mode have? (seven )
2. How many different types of Entity relationships are there?( 4 )
3. How many parts are there in URL? (3 )
4.How many record-based logical models are widely used ?( 3 )
5. How many different types of Entity relationships are there?( 4 )
6. How many layers does the TCP/IP layering model have? (5 ) 
7、How many basic units do today's digital computers consist of? ( 4 ) 
8、How many classes are the data models divided into?( 3 )
9、How many basic operating system types are there? (3 )
10、He had a large (number) of facts to prove his statements.
11、He told me all (As a result ), he will have to be away from school for two or three months.
12、How data are represented inside a computer system in electronic states called (.bits )
13、How many basic operating system types are there? (3 ). 
14、How many record-based logical models are widely used ?( 3)
HTML stand for(Hypertext Markup Language )
15.、External devices are linked to a small computer system through (interfaces ).
16.、CPU has only two fundamental sections: the arithmetic and logic unit and (the control unit ).
6\arithmetic and logic unit executes instructions
17.CD-ROM belongs to (optical laser disk )
18. Creating the database and its table structure uses (data definition  )
19.A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships, data semantics and data 
constraints is a (data model )
20、Another name for primary storage is (RAM ).
21、A computer system has five parts, they are input, output, storage, 
control unit and (processing components ).
22. A special type of primary storage which cannot be altered by the programmer is called (ROM )
23.  A list of protocols used by a certain system , one protocol per layer, is called a (protocol stack )
24. A computer system has four parts, they are output, storage, processing components and ( input )
25. Another name for primary storage is (RAM ).
26. A data model is a collection of conceptual tool for describing (data, data relationship, data semantics, data constraints  )
27.A communication pathway connecting two or more devices is a (channel ) 
28. A program instruction or a piece of data is stored in a specific primary storage location called an (address  )
29. All functions in spreadsheets start with  (an equal sign  ).
30. A bus that is used to designate the source or destination of the data on the data bus is called (  address bus )
31. An E-mail server can be considered as a (powerful operating system   )
32. A computer system has five parts, they are input, output, processing components , control unit and (storage ).
33. All Intranet related documents are written in (HTML  )
34. A programming technique that allows you to view concepts as a variety of objects is called (object oriented programming )
35. A program instruction or a piece of data is stored in a specific primary storage location called an (address )
36. A bus that is used to control the access to and the use of the data and address bus is called (control bus)
37. A location in memory is accessed by its (address ).
38. A small piece of code that can be transported over the Internet and executed on the recipient’s machine. The sentence describes (applet  )
39. An E-mail server can be considered as a (high-configuration computer ) .
40. A protocol is a set of (regulations).
41. All functions in spreadsheets start with (an equal sign ).
42. A computer system has input, output, storage, and (CP ).
43. A protocol is a set of (regulations).
44. All Intranet related documents are written in (HTML)
45A bus that connects major computer components is called (system bus  )
46A bus that is used to designate the source or destination of the data on the data bus is called (  address bus )
47A bus that provides a path for moving data between system modules is called ( data bus  )
48A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships, (data semantics and data) 
49A collection of interconnected networks is called an (internet )
50A communication pathway connecting two or more devices is a (channel )
51A computer having the hardware and software necessary for it to be connected to a network. The sentence describes (Network Computer)
52A computer processes information into ( data  ).
53A computer system has input, output, (storage) and processing components.
54A display screen is divided into a grid of  ( pixels ).
55A location in memory is accessed by its ( address  ).
56A multiprocessor system has ( more than one CPU  )
57A protocol is a set of ( regulations  ).
58A small piece of code that can be transported over the Internet and executed on the recipient’s machine. The sentence describes (applet )
59A special type of primary storage which cannot be altered by the programmer is called (ROM )
60A Web browser is a piece of  (software ).
61All programs and data must be transferred to (primary storage ) from an input device or from secondary storage before programs can be executed or data can be processed
62All the characteristics that distinguish birds (from) other animals can be traced to prehistoric times.
63An (Intranet ) is simply the application of Internet technology within an internal or closed usergroup 
64An (MISD ) computer would apply several instructions to each datum it fetches form memory
65An (SISD) computer carries out one instruction on one datum at a time
constraints is a (data model )
66. What does HTTP stand for? (Hypertext Transfer Protocol )
67. What does the WWW stand for? (World Wide Web )
68. Which is an simply the application of internet technology within an internal or closed group?( intranet )
69. WWW stand for(World Wide Web)
70. When a CPU needs the data to operate, it goes where first? (the cache ).
71. What kind of computer would apply several instructions to each datum it fetches form memory? (MISD )
72. What is a computer program? (a set of instructions )80. What is a set of programs that manipulate encoded knowledge to solve problems in a specialized domain that 81.normally requires human expertise? (Expert system )
73.Which one can be rewritten? (U-DISK )
74. When hypertext pages are mixed with other media, the result is called(hypermedia )
75. What does a worksheet mean? (a working area framed by letters and numbers  )
76. What does A worksheet mean? (an EXCEL program )
77. What kind of computer would apply one instructions to each datum it fetches form memory? (SISD )
78.Which networks usually span tens of kilometers?( Metropolitan area  )
79.What does IC stand for? (Intelligent Circuit )
What you said reminds me (of  something I read a few days ago.) 
80Which description is false? (delta frames don’t record the interframe changes )
81Which description is false? (The beauty of an Intranet lies in platform dependence  ) 
82Which description is false? (We can’t view an OS as a resource allocator )
83Which description is true? (It’s not necessary that different views should contain different data )
84Which is a magnetic secondary storage device? (disk  )
85Which is magnetic secondary storage devices?( .tape )
86With optimal laser disk technology, the read/write head used in magnetic storage is replaced by (two) lasers
87Would you mind (filling) this form?
88.The way each object combines its member data and member functions into a single structure is called (Encapsulation )
89.The standard query language of relational database is (SQL   )
90. The “brain” of a computer system is (CPU  )
91. The ISO/OSI mode has (seven  ) layers
92. The basic output device on a small computer is a (display screen  ).
93. To prevent user programs from interfering with the proper operation of the system, the hardware was modified to create two models: (User mode and monitor mode )
94. The realization of the mobile internet relies on a new set of standards ,known as the (WAP )
95.The software that allows one or many persons to use and/or modify this data is a (DBMS )
96.The physical components of a computer are collectively called   (hardware  ).
97.. The most popular processor interconnection topology is the (hypercube ).
98. The part of an instruction that tells the processor what to do is the (operand  ).
99. The part of an instruction that tells the processor what to do is the (operation code ).
100.The permanently useful data is stored in ( the ROM )
101. The interference that distorts electronic signals transmitted over a distance is called (noise ).
102. The WWW is based on which of the following standards (client-server model )
103. The Central Processor has only two fundamental sections (the control unit and the arithmetic and logic unit)
104. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model is based on a proposal developed by (ISO ).
105. The basic output device on a small computer is a (display screen  ).
106.The software which acts as an interface between a user of a computer and the computer hardware is (operating system )
107.The protocol which downloads files free of charge from thousands of computers around the globe is (FTP protocol ) 
108The “intelligence” of a computer system is (processor )
109The Central Processor has only two fundamental sections (the control unit and the arithmetic and logic unit )
110The computer component that actually manipulates the data is  (the processor  ).
111The data models don’t include (control unit models ) 
112The decision (having been making ), the next problem was how to make a good plan.
113The house (standing ) at the corner of the street was built in 1984.
114The interference that distorts electronic signals transmitted over a distance is called (noise   ).
115The kids are (bound to) be hungry when they get home—they always are.
116The most popular processor interconnection topology is the (hypercube ).
117The physical components of a computer are collectively called   (hardware  ).
118The processor fetches and executes (instructions   ).
119The realization of the mobile internet relies on a new set of standards ,known as the (WAP )
120The smog is due to invisible gases, (mostly from automobile exhaust.)
121The software that allows one or many persons to use and/or modify this data is a (DBMS )
122The software which acts as an interface between a user of a computer and the computer hardware is (operating system )
123The source of a computer’s logic is (software  ).
124The standard query language of relational database is (SQL   )
125The steps that occur between the user’s click and the page being displayed don’t include (the TCP connection isn’t released )
126The waveform repeats the same shape at regular intervals and this portion is called a (period  )
127The WWW is( based on client-server model standards)
128Three main categories of optical laser disks don’t include (primary storage ) 
129To facilitate an even faster transfer of instructions and data to the processor, most computers are designed with (Cache memory)
130. Optical laser disk includes CD-ROM, magneto-optical disk and (WORM disk )
131 Output devices don’t include (scanner )
132 Output devices don’t include (mouse )
133. Output devices don’t include (scanner )
134. Objected-based logic models are used for ( describing data at the conceptual and view levels )
135.Data and program instructions are stored in (memory ).
136.If an object inherits its attributes from a single parent, it is called(single inheritance )
137. Programmers write (  source code ).
138. (Primary storage)  provides the CPU with temporary storage for programs and data
139. Normally, how long does a user need to wait until his/her E-mail account is ready if he/she applies for it from an ISP ? (no time )
140. Before typing in any data, a user needs to (select the cell).
141.Cache memory is employed by computer designers to increase computer system (throughput )
142..LCD is based on which of the following? (TFT )
( It is not yet known ) whether robots will one day have vision as good as human 
143 (database management system ) allows one or many persons to use and/or modify this data
 144(Expert system) is s set of programs that manipulate encoded knowledge to solve problems in a specialized domain that normally requires human expertise
 145(Multimedia) is encoded at least through a continuous and a discrete medium
 146(the World Wide Web ) is an architectural framework for accessing linked documents spread out over thousands of machines all over the Internet
147(parallel OS ) is tightly coupled
148Data and program instructions are stored in (memory  ).
149Each cell of a worksheet can hold   (one piece of data   ).
150Edison failed (thousands of ) times before he succeeded in producing the first electric lamp.
hard disk is a magnetic secondary storage device
151In computer networks, the rules and conventions used in the conversation are known as(protocol )
152Input devices don’t include (video displays ) 
153It is impossible to solve (so difficult problem  ) in such a short time.
154(LCD )is based on TFT 
155Memory’s contents are changed when it is (written  ).
156Normally, how long does a user need to wait until his/her E-mail account is ready if he/she applies for it from an ISP ? (no time )
157Once a user starts an IRC client, the server on the 158IRC service provider side will provide the user a (channel ).
159One of the methods (adopted ) is to organize visits to other factories.
160Physical data models are used for (describing data at the lowest level ) 
161Polymorphism gives objects the ability to respond to (messages from )
162routines when the object’s exact type isn’t known. In C++ this ability is a result of (late binding )
163Processor has only two fundamental sections (the control unit and the arithmetic and logic unit)
164Programs are known collectively as (software   ).
165record-based logic models don’t include (Physical data model )\ 
166Scientists will have to come up (with ) new methods of increasing the world’s food supply. 
167. Which of the following feature of a word 168processor becomes more useful with the growth of the amount of text?( wording searching)  
169. Which of the following feature of a word processor can show underline, bold, italic, font and other typing styles on the screen? (WYSIWYG ) 
170. Which of the following does NOT belong to hidden characters or commands?  (retrieval)     
171. Where is the Entry Bar of a worksheet?(below the icons of the worksheet)  
172. Which of the following can NOT be created by spreadsheets?(start chart)  
173 Which of the following message can be sent by E-mail without an attachment? (text message)    
174. Which of the following can be applied for an E-mail message without an attachment? (none)
175. Which of the following does NOT belong to one of the E-mail advantages? (none)
176. A private network-based E-mail system is not for (home users)
177. Which of the following is called a searching engine?(Web browser) 
178. Which of the following is NOT an Internet application?(file compiling)
179. To start an online chatting, a user needs to know the (Web address of an IRC client)
180.  Once a user starts an IRC client, the server on the IRC service provider side will provide the user a (channel) 
181. Which of the following is the primary function of the WWW? (accessing resources )
182. Which of the following is NOT supported by the WWW? (File compiling)
183. To accommodate a binary number, which of the following of a computer doesn't have more digits than those for decimal numbers do? (keyboard)
184. Which of the following unit provides signals to start the operations in the ALU the memory and the input/output unit? (control unit)
185. What does IC stand for?( Intelligent Circuit )
186. How many the most influential components does a computer system configuration include? (4 ) 
187. Which of the following does NOT belong to one of the most influential components of a computer system configuration? (the operating system)
188. Which of the following memory will lose the data stored in it when the power is gone or a malfunction occurs? (the RAM)
189. The permanently useful data is stored in which of the following memory? (the ROM )
190. Which of the following does NOT belong to a computer hardcopy output?( voice)
191. Which of the following does NOT belong to a computer hardcopy output device? (a monitor)
192. Which of the following belongs to an impact computer hardcopy output device? (a plotter)
193. Which of the following is the major advantage of a DVD-ROM over a CD-ROM? (capacity)
194. Which of the following is the major advantage of a CD-R or a CD-RW over a CD-ROM or a DVD-ROM? (writing data)
195. Which of the following is the major advantage of a U-disk over a hard disk? (easy to carry)
196. Which of the following is NOT one of the most commonly used software-relevant terminologies?( data)
197. Which of the following is the most fundamental concept of computer software?(program)
198. Which of the following does NOT belong to computer system software? (word processing program)
199. Which function of a word processor can ensure typing correctness?(spell checking )         
200. What do users need to do with the spell-checked files to ensure their correctness?(proofread)
201. Which of the following is NOT one of a word processor's functions?(compiling typed text)
202. Which of the following is NOT one of the most commonly used software-relevant terminologies?( data) 
203. A computer processes  data  into( information).
204. Data flow into the computer as(input).
205. Information flows from a computer as ( output )
206. The ( stored program )distinguishes a computer from a calculator. 
207. The physical components of a computer are collectively called( hardware )   
208. Programs are known collectively as( software ) 
209. A physical switch is (hardware); its setting is(software). 
210. A ( byte ) holds enough bits to store a single character.    
211. A ( word )is a group of ( bytes )  
212. The " digit-times-place-value "rule work, with (numbers)but not with( characters )   
213. When memory is(read ).its contents are not changed. 
214. The programmer can read and write(RAM).  
215 What type of memory can only be read? ROM
216 The processor's, components are synchronized by( clock pulses )   
217. Which processor component executes instructions?  (arithmetic and logic unit)
218. The basic input device on a small computer is a ( keyboard ).
219. The basic output device on a small computer is a( display screen ) .
220. A (printer) generates hard- copy output.   
221. External devices are linked to a small computer system through( control units )   
222.The (register) translates between the computer's internal codes and a peripheral device's external codes.   
223. A(remote) terminal communicates with a distant computer over data transmission lines.  
224. (Wide area) network can be worldwide.  
225. (Metropolitan area)networks usually span tens of kilometers.   
226(The network layer) is concerned with controlling the operation of the subnet.  
227. (The physical layer) is concerned with transmitting raw bits over a communication channel.  
228. The main task of (The data link layer)is to transform a raw transmission facility into a line that appears free of undetected transmission errors to the network layer.  
229.(The session layer)allows users on different machines to establish sessions between them. 
230. The ( operating system )serves as a hardware/software interface. 
231. The source of a computer’s logic is(software ).   
232. A disk drive is limited to a few( primitive operatios )   
233. Programmers write ( source )code.

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