发布日期:2015-09-25 点击次数:2804
作者:吉大自考网 www.jdzkw.com.cn
关键词:吉大自考 计算机应用软件
报名方式:13620791345 许老师 0431-85690458
计算机应用软件(本科) 专业代码:080762 主考学校:吉林大学
计算机专业英语(一)(07757) 名词解释 连线 判断
1.class hierarchy类层次
4.data bus数据总线
5.Operating system操作系统
7.Neural Networks 神经网络
8. topology analysis拓扑分析
9.ADO ActiveX数据对象
10. multiprogramming多道程序设计
11. ODBC 开放数据库互连
12.VR 虚拟现实
13.cache memory 高速缓冲存储器
15.system bus系统总线
16. GUI 图形用户界面
18.object-oriented programming面向对象编程
19.virtual reality虚拟现实
20.主存 (Main memory )
21.调制解调器(modem )
22.可编程只读存储器 (PROM )
23. off-line operation 脱机操作
24.客户端/服务器 (Client/Server )
25.多媒体(Multimedia )
26.虚函数(virtual function )
27. neural network 神经网络
28..VDT 视频显示终端
29.EDI 电子数据交换
30.CAM 计算机辅助制造
31. RDBMS 关系型数据库管理系统
33.RAM随机存储器工具条 ( toolbar )
35.统一资源定位( URL )
36.统一资源标识符( URI )
37.人工智能( Artificial Intelligence )
38. KDD 数据库中的知识发现
39.面向对象 (Object Oriented )
40.图形用户接口 (Graphical user interface )
41.中央处理器( CPU )
42.计算机网络( computer network)
43.国际互联网 (Internet )
44.计算机辅助制造( CAM )
45.软件工程 (software engineering)
46.视频压缩 (video compression )
47.算术逻辑部件( ALU )
48.计算机应用(computer application )
49.电子商务 (Electronic Business )
50.虚拟现实 (virtual reality )
51. EJB 企业(Java Beans)
52.图形用户接口(Graphical user interface )
53.应用编程接口 (API)
55. memory stick 记忆棒
56.传输控制协议/互联网协( TCP/IP )
57.万维网( WWW )
58.地理信息系统( GIS )
59. RAP 快速应用程序原型技术
60.只读存储( ROM )
61.系统软件( system software )
62.磁盘操作系(DOS )
63.结构化查询语言( SQL )
64.虚拟专用网( VPN )
65.开放式系统互( OSI )
66.个人数字助理 (PDA )
67. VLSI 超大规模集成电路
68.带宽 (bandwidth )
69.集成电路 (integrated circuit )
70.结构化编程(Structured programming )
71.复杂指令集计算机(CISC )
72.短信消息服务(SMS )
73.PCI 外围设备互连
74.. real time operating system 实时操作系统
75.OODBMS 面向对象的数据库管理系统
76.abstract data type 抽象数据类型
77abstract data type 抽象数据类型
91Expert System专家系统
94Hard disk硬盘
95HTML 超文本标记语言
107network communication网络通信
108off-line operation脱机操作
113primary memory主存
116real time operating system 实时操作系统
120system bus系统总线
122topology analysis拓扑分析
123virtual reality虚拟现实
125Web site网站站点
126超文本标记语言( HTML )
131封装 (encapsulation )
132工具条 ( toolbar )
135国际互联网 (Internet )
138计算机(Computer )
139计算机辅助软件工程 (CASE )
140键盘 (keyboard)
141可编程只读存储器 (PROM )
142可移植性 (transportability )
143客户端/服务器 (Client/Server )
144软盘驱动器( FDD )
146数据库管理系( DBMS )
147搜索引擎 (search engine)
149网络计算机(network computer)
152小型计算机系统接口 (SCSI)
155虚函数(virtual function )
158专家系统(expert system)
1. CD-R recorders are used to duplicate CDs( T )
2. CD-ROM stands for compact disk read-only memory. ( T )
3. CD-R recorders are used to duplicate CDs ( T )
4. Cache memory is much faster than RAM. ( T )
5. C is an Object-Oriented programming language. ( F )
6. The system clock is the brain of a computer. ( F )
7. Cache memory is much faster than RAM. ( T )
8. Cache memory is less expensive than RAM.( F)
9. CD-R recorders can be used to duplicate CDs( T )
10. C++ language is a structured programming language. ( F )
11. Cache memory is as fast as RAM. ( T )
12. C++ language is a structured programming language.( F)
13. Cache memory is more expensive than RAM.( T )
14. CPU has only one fundamental section: the control unit. ( F )
15. Internet resources are stored on Web servers. ( T )
16. Windows 2000 is the first Windows operating system in a real sense.( F )
17. We can view an operating system as a resource manager. ( T )
18. Windows 95 is the first Windows operating system in a real sense. ( T )
19. We can view an OS as a resource manager. ( T )
20. We can view an operating system as a output hardware. ( T )
21. WWW stands for World Wide Web. ( T )
22. You can connect 255 devices to a computer by USB. ( F )
23. You can connect 120 devices to a computer by USB. (T )
24. You can connect 255 devices to a computer by USB. ( F )
25. You can connect 127 devices to a computer by USB. ( T )
26. You can connect 255 devices to a computer by USB. ( F )
27. Keyboard and mouse are both the input devices of the computer. ( T )
28. Both the user names and the passwords must be unique for E-mail accounts.( F )
29. Buffering is an approach to improving system performance. ( T )
30. Buffering is an approach to improving system performance. ( T )
31. ALU is one of the components of CPU.( T )
32. A cache runs as fast as a RAM. ( F)
33. An OS is the software which acts as an interface between a user and a computer. ( T )
34. A buffer's capacity is low and price is high, and it runs as fast as a RAM. ( F )
35. A CPU includes the ALU and the controller. ( T )
36. ALU is one of the components of CPU. ( T )
37. JAVA is a Object-Oriented programming language.(T )
38. A scanner belongs to the output device. ( F )
39. A U-disk belongs to the output device.( T )
40. PROM is the abbreviation of portable read –only memory. ( F )
41. PCI is a popular low-bandwidth bus. ( F)
42. Printer is the input device of the computer. ( F)
43. Microsoft Windows 2000 is an operating system of the computer. ( T )
44. PCI is a popular low-bandwidth bus. ( F)
45. Printer is the input device of the computer. ( F)
46. PCIisabbreviationofperipheralcomponentinterconnect.( T )
47. Primary storage provides CPU with temporary storage for programs and data. (T)
48. Printer is the I/O device of the computer. ( T )
49. The system clock sends out pulses regularly. ( T )
50. PDA is one of the components of CPU. ( F )
51. PCI is a popular low-bandwidth bus. ( F )
52. FTP is a protocol of the computer network. ( T )
53. PROM is the abbreviation of portable read –only memory.(T )
54. HTTP stands for High Transportation Port. ( F )
55. Hard disks and floppies operate in different ways. ( F)
56. Hard disk provides CPU with temporary storage for programs and data. (F)
57. Cache memory is much faster than RAM. ( T)
58. HTML is used to write Web pages.( T)
59. HTTP is used to locate Internet resources. ( F )
60. VDT stands for video display terminal. (T)
61. System bus provides a path for moving data between system modules. ( F )
62. The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )
63. There 3 main categories of optical laser disks: CD-ROM, DVD and VCD. ( F )
64. The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )
65. The user name must be unique for E-mail accounts. ( T )
66. The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )
67. The Web browser is used to display the data stored on the Internet. ( T )
68. The wide of the bus is also called the "word length". ( T )
69. The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )
70. The CPU is the brain of a computer( T )
71. The single-sided DVD can store 6.5GB of data. ( F )
72. To format a floppy means that magnetic areas are created. (T )
73. Microsoft SQL server 2000 is an operating system of the computer. ( F )
74. Microsoft Office 2003 is operating system software. ( F )
75. MS-DOS refers to Microsoft Disk Operating System. ( T )
76. MS Office 2000 is the first Windows operating system in a real sense. ( F )
77. Microsoft Office 2003 is an operating system software. ( F )
78. MS-DOS is a Object-Oriented programming language. ( F )
79. MS Windows 2000 is a hardware component of computer.(F)
80. DVD provides CPU with temporary storage programdata.( F )
81. JAVA is a structured programming language. ( F )
82. JAVA is a Object-Oriented programming language. ( T )
83. ROM is the abbreviation of read of memory. ( F )
84. OS is the software which acts as an interface between a user and a computer. ( T )
85. FTP is not a protocol of the computer network. ( F )
86. FTP is a protocol of the computer network. ( T )
87. Linux is an operating system. ( T )
88. URL is used to locate Internet resources. ( T )
89. E-mail is a method of sending and receiving messages on the Internet. ( F )
90. XML is used to write Web pages.( F )
91A buffer's capacity is low and price is high, and it runs as fast as a RAM. ( F )
92A scanner belongs to the output device. ( F )
93A U-disk belongs to the output device.( T )
94Both the user names and the passwords must be unique for E-mail accounts.( F )
95C is an Object-Oriented programming language. ( F )
96FTP is not a protocol of the computer network. ( F )
97Hard disk provides CPU with temporary storage for programs and data. (F )
98HTML is used to write Web pages.( T)
99Linux is an operating system. ( T )
100MS-DOS refers to Microsoft Disk Operating System. ( T )
101.Primary storage provides CPU with temporary storage for programs and data. (T)
102.The smallest unit of the memory is the magnetic cell.( T)
103.Magnetic cells use the "write" and "read" currents with same direction to store and retrieve data.( F)
104.The most influential component of a computer system configuration is the memory.( F )
105.Both ink-jet and laser printers are non-impact printers; they are based on the same principle. (F)
106. Ink-jet printers have pins in their printing heads to form dots to produce printed results.( F)
107. A plotter is the popular hardcopy output device commonly used in the education sector. (F)
108.Word processors ease much of tedium associated typing, proofing. and manipulating words. (T)
109.The real strength of a word processor is its ability to store, retrieve , and change data. (T)
110. The implementation of the WWW is based on a standard client-server model. (T)
111. All Von Neumann type digital computers consist of the input/output unit, the arithmetic unit, networking unit, the control unit and the memory. (F)
112. A scanner belongs to the input/output device. (T)
113. A binary number needs more computer resource to accommodate than a decimal number.(T)
114. The operations on decimal numbers are much easier and need much less time than in a binary system. (F)
115. HTML is so important to the WWW that it is recognized every where on the WWW. (F)
116. The Web server is the only component of the WWW that is able to read the HTML. (F)
118. Generally speaking, most of E-mail systems do allow text formatting.(F)
119. Users have to attach word-formatted texts to their E-mail messages if they have to send word-formatted texts. (T)
120. Instantaneousness and high efficiency are major advantages of the E-mail application. (T)
1. Computer software A. provides support for application software.
2. System utilities B refers to Microsoft Disk Operating System.
3. System software C is a set of computer programs.
4. Operating systems D. has been widely used in CAD programs.
5. MS-DOS E. are more suitable for PC users.
6. The Unix F. can be understood as system
7. The Linux G. are truly powerful enterprise-level computing tools.
8. The Unix and Linux H. is the first Windows operating system
in a real sense.
9. MS Windows I. has been adopted for Internet servers.
10. Windows 95 J. are preloaded onto computers by computer makers.
11. The storage device A. sends out pulses regularly.
12. A CPU includes B. faster than a RAM.
13. The wide of the bus C. the ALU and the controller.
14. The system clock D. is used to read and write data.
15. ROM E. belongs to the system configuration of a computer.
16. A buffer runs F. the buffer first when it needs data
to operate.
17. A CPU searches G. exchange sections of data when
18. A hard disk and a RAM H. is the extension of the RAM.
19. A RAM I. is able to keep the data stored in
it when the power is gone.
20. The virtual memory J. is also called the "word length"
1-C 2-F 3-A 4-J 5-B 6-D 7-I 8-G 9-E 10-H
11-E 12-C 13-J 14-A 15-I 16-B 17-F 18-G 19-D 20-H
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